Sri Lanka
Kayla Lopez 4B
Spatial Extent
The actions of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), as well as the areal extent of the civil war, was confined to only the island of Sri Lanka. However, battles and bloodshed was not limited to one area of the country and action took place all over the island. The environment was destroyed and war zones left the land a mess.
After this break in harmony between the two ethnic groups, the Tamils quickly became angered at their lack of political representation. Vellupillai Prabhakaran, a Tamil youth formed the Tamil Tigers in the late 1960's. The group was a terrorist organization that targeted the central government by planning hit-and-runs on politicians and government officials. Those attacks soon escalated to kidnappings and assassinations of politicians. This is the main cause of the Sri Lankan civil war that began in 1983.
Tension and Conflict
There had always been a form of conflict between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. This was mostly because the Tamil ethnicity was a minority on the island of Sri Lanka with percentages topping only about 15%, while the Sinhalese majority made up about 75% of the population. Violent action and conflict did not come to the surface until the creation of the LTTE and the outbreak of the Sri Lankan civil war, which lasted 25 years.
The result of the Sri Lankan civl war was 80,000-100,000 deaths. This toll included soldiers, police officers, LTTE members, and many civilians. The civil war cost the Sri Lankan economy a total of $200 billion, in US dollars. This is about 5 times the GDP of Sri Lanka in 2009. Many villages were destroyed by the LTTE, forcing civilians to seek refuge and leave their entire lives behind. In the politic world, pro-LTTE political parties dropped their demands for a separate state in favor of a federal solution.
Sri Lankan Ethnic Conflict
The Root of the Conflict
The base of the conflict in Sri Lanka began in the early 1920's, when Sri Lanka was under the name Creyon and under British rule. The two major ethnic groups, the Sinhalese and the Tamils, wanted their ethnic group to have a say in their legislative government. When the seat was given to a Sinhalese representative and Sinhala and Buddhism were made the official language and religion of the country, any peace between the two ethnic groups crumbled.