Are there still muckrakers?
Church of Scientology
Julian Assange
Seymour Hersh
My Lai Massacre
Anti-Vietnam War sentiment
Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse Scandel
Bob Woodward & Carl Berstein
Ralph Nader
Unsafe at Any Speed
Nixon's Resignation
Gave a human face to suffering
Watergate Scandal
National Highway Transportation Administration
Ida Tarbell
Lincoln Steffens
Upton Sinclair
Nellie Bly
Samuel Hopkins Adams
Progressives Era (1890-1920)
* A time when people began to demand that the problems
caused by industrialization be fixed.
*The government passed new laws and became more
responsible for protecting citizens.
Social Problem Demands for Reform
Government Action
Industrial Hazards
Corrupt Governments
Overcrowded Cities
Poor Living Conditions
No consumer protection
Growing gap between the rich and poor
Powerful big business
Progressive Movement
Things to Know