Autonomic Nervous system
- We perceive a stimulus which creates a certain response in the autonomic nervous system
- Can include change in heart rate, blood pressure or breathing
- Controlled by the ANS
- We then recognize the change and we associate it with emotion.
Other Theories
Who's right ?
- Believes that emotions results when thalamus sends a message to the brain, response to stimulus results in physiological reaction
- To experience emotion one must be physically aroused and cognitively label the arousal.
Emotional experience depends on how yo interpret your physical reactions
- I'm sweating therefore I'm nervous
- I'm shaking because I'm anxious
- I'm blushing because I'm nervous
"The greatest weapon against stress is the ability to choose one thought over another"
- William James-
Physiological Response
- An automatic response that include changed in behavior, physical appearance, and thinking pattern.
-Increased heart rate
Subjective experience
What is emotion
What is it?
- Influenced by personal feelings, taste, or opinions.
-New job
- Suggest that emotions occur as a result of physical reactions.
- Proposes that their interpretation of their physical response results in an emotional experience.
- Complex physiological state that involves three distinct components.
Behavioral Response
- Changes how people look and act
-Facial expressions( angry crying,disgust, sadness, happiness shame)
-Shaky voice
- Proposed by William James and Carl Lange
(James Lange Theory)
James Lange Theory