Skit #1
In this skit we are not showing synergy because one of us is not willing to work with the others.
In this skit we demonstrate open-mindedness by seeing the good in people literally and figuratively.
Bad Examples
- Tolerating differences
- Working independently
- Thinking you are always right
- Compromise
Good Examples
- Celebrating differences
- Teamwork
- Open-mindedness
- Finding new and better ways
Skit #2
During this skit we demonstrate teamwork by helping each other retrieve a high object.
We are not showing synergy in this skit because we are arguing and just tolerating our differences, instead of celebrating them.
Habit 6: Synergize
By: Sammy Baker, Lauren Cohen,Eve Iavarone, Maisie Lawler
What is Synergy?
Getting to Synergy
1. Define the problem
2. Their way (find out how they want to fix the problem)
3.My way (Tell them how you want to fix the problem)
4. Brainstorm
Synergy is achieved when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either could alone. It's not your way or my way but a better way, a higher way.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Project