Pricing strategy
Marketing strategy
- Not affordable to everyone
A Jack Wills advert
A Jack Wills store
- Conventional advertising is not used
- Stores located in affluent university towns
Target customers
- Middle upper-class students
- Universities, secondary schools, college
- 16 to 24 years old students
Fabulously British !
Products on the French market
Competitors in Lille
- Traditional English clothes at first
- Home & accessories if success
French Strategy
Presentation of the brand
Evolution of the brand
- Strong identity built in few years
- Rapid international expansion
- Stores in the US, in Asia and the Middle East
- International purchase from the website
- 2011 profits at £10 million
Keep the model :
- Same logo, same motto
- Idea of the ideal life
- Target upper class students: business schools, the catholic university
- Store located in the "Vieux Lille"
- Preppy fashion clothing retailer
- 60 stores within the UK and Ireland
"Jack Wills reflects English heritage and style"
Key products
- Traditional British clothing
- Design inspired from the British military history, country sporting traditions and the Old England preppy feel
Jack Wills