by: Danielle Conti and Caroline Cox
INTJ Celebrities
INTJ in Relationships
INTJ Suggested Careers
- Greatest potential pitfall is the tendency to think about things rather than doing them
- Have a tendency to believe they are always right, and lack sensitivity towards their partner
- Their natural partner is the ENFP or ENTP
- Engineer—Creative, ingenious, innovative, and resourceful
- Scientists—calm, collective, and analytical
- Lawyer/Attorney—love difficult theoretical challenges
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Mark Zuckerberg
Ashley Olsen
Thomas Jefferson
- May be unaware of how they come across to others
- Dismiss others' thoughts and ideas
- Take pride in being critical
- Find faults in everything
- Believe that they are always right
- Do not express or like emotions
- Sarcastic towards others
Strengths of INTJs
- Analytical and logical
- High self-confidence
- Jack of all trades
- Hardworking and determined
- Imaginative and creative
- Open-minded
- Honest and direct
What is it?
I - Introvert
INTJ is one of the rarest personality types.