Shapes of constant width
3D Shapes
This shape is based off the triangle but is almost a rounded pyramid except 3 edges are pointed and the other 3 are rounded. You can put something on top of them and roll around with them under just as if they were spheres.
Constant Width on a Bike
A Fifty Pence Coin
Someone used this on a bike and it was a smooth ride even though it had 2 different wheels. This worked because the bike was resting on top of the wheels instead of on an axle.
A fifty pence coin has constant width because of it's rounded edges. Any coin has to be of constant width for a vending machine to be able to tell what kind of a coin is in it.
A Circle
Reuleaux Triangles
A circle is of constant width because it is completely even.
This is a triangle that acts like a circle
A Reuleaux triangle rolls evenly without moving the center of the chassis on top of it but the center of the triangle does move.
- Wikipedia. "Reuleaux Triangle." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Nov. 2013. Web. 05 Dec. 2013. -about the Realeaux Triangle
- "A Rolling Reuleaux Triangle." YouTube. YouTube, 03 July 2009. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.
- "Shapes and Solids of Constant Width - Numberphile." YouTube. YouTube, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.
- - measurement of roundness photo
- - Fifty pence coins
- Bike picture-
- triangle picture