Conventions are the rules of writing
Why do we need conventions in writing?
Why is this trait different than the other five?
When should you work on conventions?
What makes spelling difficult?
What tools can help you use conventions properly?
Where do capital letters belong?
How can I check for grammar?
What are the three types of end marks?
You are editing instead of creating
List places where commas belong. Place the comma (s) where it belongs in the example.
The final draft
When should I use a colon?
When are quotation marks needed in writing?
When should I use a semicolon?
The purpose is to guide the reader and make the writing readable.
They are a tool for making the meaning clear.
The Sixth Trait of Writing:
Take a look at the commonly misspelled words. Do you know how to spell the words on this list?
7. An appositive (renaming)
Example: Miss Krause, my crazy communications teacher, gives a lot of homework.
period-after declarative and imperative sentences
exclamation point- after exclamatory and some imperative sentences
question mark- after interrogative sentences
1. Before a conjunction joining two complete thoughts
Example: My friends are all going on the field trip, but I forgot to turn in my permission slip.
homophones like their, they're, and there
possessives for example, 6 dogs' bones and the dog's bone
Spell check can be misleading. Use it, yes, but don't make it your only resource.
Semicolons are used to connect two independent clauses
Example: The United States has more televisions than any other country; its residents own more than 200 million of them.
Colons are used when writing out time
Example: It is 6:00.
Colons are also used before lists, but not after verbs.Example: I need to bring the following items: fruit, veggies, and hamburger buns. It would not work to write--- The items I need to bring are: fruits, veggies, and hamburger buns. Are is a verb.
Use quotation marks when writing dialogue.
Remember to start a new paragraph for each new speaker.
“Mom, we need to go to the store,” Sarah screamed.
“I’m coming,” Mom replied, “don’t worry.”
-at the beginning of a sentence
-proper nouns
**They DO NOT belong randomly in the middle of words because you like how the capital letter looks
-grammar handbook
-an editor
-TAKING YOUR TIME- look for ONE error at a time
-Read your work OUT LOUD!
-Remember well is an adverb and good is an adjective, for example, You played well in that soccer game. I had a good day.
-Remember the tricks for remembering I or me. Katie and I opened the presents. Take out Katie, and I opened the presents works. If it was Katie and me opened the presents, Me opened the presents wouldn't work.
8. dates
Example: My birthday is November 25, 1982.
Also, use a period after an
indirect question
2. In a list
Example: I enjoy reading, writing, and math at school.
For example, the coach asked what we did at practice yesterday.
9. Address
Example: I live in Lakeville, Minnesota.
10. Greeting and Closing of a letter
Example: Dear Sophie,
With love,
Billy Joe
11. When writing dialogue
Example: "Mom," yelled Sarah, "we have to go!"
12. mild interjection
Well, I guess it is time to go.
3. Between two adjectives that modify the same noun
Example: My teachers are intelligent, friendly individuals.
4. After an introductory phrase
Example: Finally, it's my birthday.
All of a sudden, the room went dark.
5. An interruption
Example: My mom and dad, at long last, bought me a Wii.
6. A direct address
Example: Alex, your class is waiting for you.
Your class, Alex, is waiting for you.
List important writing conventions.
What does the word conventions even mean?