What's the Point of Using Gene Cloning in Bacteria?
Ethical Issues
Bacterial plasmids used in gene cloning naturally contain genes that encode some form of antibiotic resistance. As a result of the gene cloning process, the cloned genes that are put into plant cells may also have an antibiotic resistance gene. Some critics of genetic engineering claim that the potential risk of providing an opportunity for organisms in nature to gain antibiotic resistance by taking up the plasmid outweighs the potential benefits of this technology.
Medical Utility
Can re-grow tissues, muscle and possibly organs
Can produce recombinant pharmaceuticals with cloned genes
- No huge ethical issues because no people are being harmed, and medical advances are being made
Agricultural Utility
Can identify genes responsible for inherited diseases and to devise new therapies for these disorders
Important for Nitrogen Fixation
Bacteria along with the desired gene are used to increase the crop productivity and health
- Some people are against teaching people how to clone a deadly virus (potential human harm)
This makes it easier for the Farmer's to not use expensive fertilizers which damage the crops
- People believe it decreases genetic diversity
- Regrowing organs and tissues for medical purposes is seen as beneficial
- Cloning an entire human being is seen as unethical
Example of Gene Cloning: Dolly the Sheep!
Step Three:
Mixture of foreign DNA with chopped plasmids
- Sticky ends of the plasmid will base pair with complementary sticky ends of foreign DNA fragments
Step Two:
Treatment of plasmid and foreign DNA with the same restriction enzyme
Impact On Society
- The restriction enzyme cuts plasmid DNA at the restriction site
- When the restriction enzyme cuts, it produces sticky ends on both the foreign DNA fragments and the plasmid
Step Four:
Addition of DNA Ligase
Step One:
Isolation of two kinds of DNA
- DNA ligase catalyzes the formation of covalent bonds, joining the two DNA molecules.
- Forms a new plasmid with recombinant DNA.
- Bacterial plasmids and foreign DNA containing the gene of interest are isolated.
Gene Cloning in Bacteria
Step Five:
Introduction of recombinant plasmid into bacterial cells
- The naked DNA is added to a bacterial culture
- Some bacteria will take up the plasmid DNA by transformation
Gene Cloning
What is Gene Cloning in Bacteria?
Step Six:
Production of multiple gene copies by gene cloning and selection process for transformed cells
Here it is!
- Bacteria with the recombinant plasmid are allowed to reproduce, cloning the inserted gene in the process.
Step Seven:
Final screening for transformed cells
The Seven Step Process of Gene Cloning using Bacteria
- X-gal, a modified sugar added to the culture medium, turns blue when hydrolyzed by beta-galactosidase. It is used as an indicator that cells have been transformed by plasmids containing the foreign insert.
Gene Cloning in Bacteria
How does it affect me?
- Gene Engineer. (2002). Gene cloning in medicine. Retrieved from
- Johnson, D. (2010, December 04). Steps for using bacteria and plasmids to grow genes. Retrieved from http://home.earthlink.net/~dayvdanls/gene_cloning.htm
- Lewis, H. (2010, November). Scientists in cloning. Retrieved from http://robby.nstemp.com/photo5.html
- Otago School of Medical Sciences (2010) Biotechnology in Medicine, retrieved from 'The University of Otago' webpages on 12.05.2013, highschoolbiology.otago.ac.nz
- Mameli, M. (2007). Genetics. Retrieved from http://jme.bmj.com/content/33/2/87.abstract
Current Research
Gene Cloning in Bacteria
Scientist: Michael D. West, Ph.D.
Field of Research: Telomerase Molecular Biology
Current Research:
As of 2009 Dr. West is studying the affects of the body's cells deterioration on age-related degenerative disease. He is attempting to clone the cells that do not carry the degenerative disease to out number the cells that do carry the disease.
What If It Works?
If Dr. West's experiment works the way he wants it to, age related diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinson's could be delayed or possibly even stopped.
He is trying to develop more healthy cells than disease cells, and by doing this he thinks the healthy cells could counteract the disease ridden cells.