Bio-chip Technology
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4- New York Times.
a) Violation of Personal privacy
b) They mark the end of human freedom and dignity
c) There is a danger of turning every men, women and child into a controlled slave.
d) They can be implanted into ones body without their knowledge.
Working of the Bio-Chip
Bio-Chip Implant
- Injected by a hypodermic syringe beneath the skin.
- Injection is safe and simple.
- Anesthesia is neither required nor recommended
- Usually injected behind the neck in dogs and cats.
Reader or Scanner
Step-1: The reader generates a low power, electromagnetic field via radio signal which activates the implanted the bio-chip.
Step-2: Once Bio-Chip gets activated it sends the ID code back to the reader via radio signal.
Step-3: The reader amplifies the received code and convert to digital format decodes it and display in LCD
- minimum distance should be 2 inch to 12 inches.
- reader & bio-chip communicates through material except material.
a) To rescue sick people
b) To find the lost people
c) To identify person uniquely
d) Constantly monitoring health condition of one person
- Bio-chip implant system consists of two components
a) Transponder.
b) Reader or Scanner.
- A device for receiving a radio signal and automatically transmitting a different signal.
- two types of transponder-
* Passive Transponder- no energy of its own
* Active Transponder - contain battery
It's consist of four parts:
a) Computer Micro-chip
b) Antenna Coil
c) Tuning Capacitor
d) Glass Capsule
b) Antenna Coil.
- Coil of copper wire around iron core.
- Tiny primitive radio antenna which receives and sends from reader or scanner.
c) Tuning Capacitor.
- store charge sent from reader or scanner
- Transponder send back the ID number
- capacitor is tuned to same frequency as that of reader.
- The microchip contains the electronic circuitry necessary
to transmit the ID number to the "Reader".
- Unique identification number.
- Limited storage capability.
- NNN-NNN-NNN format
- The unique ID number is " etched" or encoded via a laser onto the surface of the microchip before assembly.
- Impossible to alter.
- It contains the microchip, Antenna and capacitor. Outer Protection
- 11 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter
- made of bio-compatible material .
- Sealed so no body fluid can touch inside.
- polypropylene polymer is used at one end of the glass for permanent placement.
Application Contd.
c) Bio-chips really are potent in replacing passport, cash, medical records.
d) Bio-chip as Glucose Detector.
e) Bio-chip as Oxygen Sensor.
f) Bio-chip as Blood Pressure sensor.
Application contd.
- It consists of an " Exciter " coil which creates an electromagnetic field which provides necessary energy to bio-chip.
- It also carries a receiving coil that receives the transmitted code or ID number sent back from bio-chip.
- It also contain the software to decode the signal received from the chip and display the result in an LCD.
b) A bio-chip can store and update financial, medical, demographic, basically everything about a person
An implanted bio-chip can be used for Payment, obtain medical procedures, and to conduct financial transaction.
- Developed in 1983 for monitoring fisheries.
- It's use now includes, over 300 zoos, over 80 government agencies in at least 20 countries.
- Large scale development of bio-chips in the 1990s.
- In 1993, the food and Drug Administration passed the safe Medical Devices Registration Act of 1993, requiring all artificial body implants to have "Implanted" identification.
- The major bio-chip companies are AVID ( American Veterinary Identification Devices) , Trovan Identification Systems, Destrong- Fearing Corporation.
Presented By
Md Reza Ahmed
Roll no - 164563
a) person or Animal tracing anywhere in the world.
Once the reader is connected to the internet, satellite and a centralized database , It is always possible to trace out the location of subject.
Solution Proposed
a) We can include RAM which needs continuous charging which can be supplied from the cell energy.
b) Once chip taken out from body thus information in the RAM will be lost and will be of no use to kidnappers.
c) Data in the bio-chip must be erased if it is exposed to sunlight /air
d) The bio-chip must retain data only if it is placed in a fluid medium like blood and not in other medium
New York Times , June 20, 1999
- Introduction
- History
- component of Bio-Chip
- working of Bio-chip
- Bio-chip Implant
- Application
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Conclusion
- Reference
" Bio-chip contains his electronic life. So If cash no longer exist and world's economy is totally chip oriented as a result there would be huge black market for chips since there is no cash."
Criminals will cut off hands and heads stealing " rich folks " chip
It's very dangerous as once kidnappers get to know about chip they will skin people to get it.
- Bio-chips are microscopic electronic devices
- Bio-chip requires transduction and signal processing technology
- Bio-chips are capable to execute many hundred operations simultaneously on a solid surface
- It combines genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry
- High throughput, mini size, automated and cost effective