Berlin Blockade
Czechoslovakian Crisis 1968
- Western German zones benefited from Marshall Aid. Eastern zones had reparations taken from them.
- West Berlin an island of prosperous Capitalism in a sea of Communism
- Feb 1948 - Bolivia formed and new currency (Deutsche Mark) introduced
- June 1948 Stalin severed all rail, road and canal links with West Berlin. West responded by flying food and fuel supplies to Berlin
- May 1949 Stalin lifted blockade
- Czech only remaining democratic country in Eastern Europe
- Communists expected to do badly in May elections
- Staged coup d'etat - police force taken over, other political parties removed from government, President Benes forced to resign + replaced by Gottwald
- Czech communists taken over country with little bloodshed or help from Soviets
Berlin Blockade Consequences
- April 1949 USA, Canada + Western Europe talk of military alliance + set up NATO
- Stalin viewed NATO as provocative action
- Caused an end to any hope of an agreement between East + West
- Potsdam + Yalta temporary divisions became permanent
- FRG - Federal Republic of Germany (West)
- GDR - German Democratic Republic (East)
Potsdam Conference
Russian Attitudes
'Naughty Document'
- Europe 1945 left a power vacuum. Stalin could establish a buffer zone of Soviet influenced states in East against future invasion of USSR from West
- Soviet Foreign Policy based on protection not World Revolution
- Wanted to regain lost territory
- Stalin wanted to move Poland's frontiers westwards
- Agreed on German demilitarisation, denazification and punishment for war criminals
- Allied Control Council set up
- No agreement on how reparations to USSR should be made. Compromise that each take for their own zone
- Truman delayed conference until after atomic bomb had been tested. Impress USSR
- October 1944 Churchill + Stalin list their interests of Eastern European countries
- Attempting to limit influence of USSR
- E.g. Greece - Britain 90%, Russia 10%
- In reality Red Army already big Soviet influence
British Attitudes
Yalta Conference
- United Nations established
- Division of Germany, Berlin + Austria in zones of occupation
- Principle of free elections in Eastern Europe
- Setting of borders for post-war Poland so substantial areas given to USSR. Communist government but free elections
- Bankrupt & national debt - impossible to limit Soviet
- Churchill feared USA would return to policy of isolation
- Clement Atlee showed little sympathy to Communism
- Beven attempted to make greater commitment to Europe by showing Soviet threat to Iran and Eastern Europe
Truman Doctrine 1947
American Attitudes
- British situation of famine, cold weather, transport industry and coal to a halt
- Informed USA that their financial + military aid to Greece + Turkey would have to cease
- Civil wars in these countries - Truman needed to strengthen non-communist forces
- Needed to persuade congress to support this
- Had been part of French Indochina until seized by Japan during WW2
- After 1945 French attempted to regain control
- USA strongly opposed to imperialism
- After WW2 countries no longer had resources to run vast empires
- Dilemma for USA - who would gain control over Indochina if not France?
'Iron Curtain' 1946
- 1945 defeat of Japan left China with no control
- Communists quickly gained hold + by 1949 Mao declared a Communist People's Republic of China.. Why?
- Nationalists had been corrupt + not meeting Chinese needs
- WW2 weakened nationalists hold
- Communists gained reputation for addressing bulk of population
- Viewed as a result of failure of USA to send support to Nationalists
- Truman more confrontational than Roosevelt. Took the approach of the Iron Fist and Policy against Appeasement
- Didn't want Communism to spread across Europe as needed to trade with them, American Free Market would collapse
- Arms industry wanted to talk up tensions so there were more orders
- Most americans wanted to return to the policy of isolation
- George Kennan's Long Telegram had a big influence on Truman - he said Soviets wanted World Revolution, should be suspicious and Soviets were aggressive
Marshall Aid 1947
- Churchill declared in order to meet Soviet Expansion, an alliance is needed between USA and Britain
- American public opinion not favourable
- Churchill argued it fell in line with Truman's Iron Fist
- Stalin called it deliberately provocative + accused Churchill of being a warmonger
- A plan to provide American financial support to war-torn Europe
- All countries eligible but had to open economy to American Capital interests
- 'Dollar Imperialism' countries run by themselves but economy owned by USA
- Soviets responded by setting up Cominform 1947 and Comecon 1949
- Chances of future agreement now negligible
- Korea divided at end of WW2
- Unification attempts failed due to deep political differences
- North Communists invaded Capitalist South 1950
- Korean War starts as USA help South and China helps North
- Possibility of peaceful unification collapsed
The Missile Gap
- The USA tried to rely on superiority in military weaponry for security
- Only nuclear power between 1945-9, security shattered when Soviets announced own bomb
- 1952 USA Hydrogen bomb, Soviets produced one less than a year later
- USA concerned that USSR would match + overtake the West in nuclear capability
Causes of the Cold War