Go-Kart Soccer
Yes, there is a need for another business like this because it is the first of its kind and is an original idea. It is a new fun game instead of the regular Go-Karts or Soccer. There is a market for people who are interested in this.
We will advertise using several different methods which include, internet and social media as well as both radio and tv commmercials.
We will be charging depending on the amount of time desired to play, a 30 min. game will cost $16 per person, a 45 min. game will cost $20 per person, an hour game will cost $25 per person, and a game lasting an hour and a half will cost $30 per person.
We will easily distinguish ourselves from our competitors because no other Go-Kart business has Go-Kart Soccer like we do. Our performance will be much different than any other regular place.
Go-Kart Soccer is exactly how it sounds; we will have seven people to each team, all in go karts with a protective outlining as the boundaries. Same rules apply, both teams will try to score as many goals as possible in the alloted time. Team who scores the most wins.
Our only other competitors might be just regular Go-Kart places or anything similar to that.
In this new game we will target mainly teenagers and young adults but this can openly be played by younger kids and adults of all ages as well.
Owners of Business:
Edson Yanez and Daniel Gonzales
The skills we bring to the business is the knowledge that we both played soccer and realized how tiring it can actually be. So to make things more interesting and fun we combined it with Go-Karts so even if you don't like playing soccer this will never get boring.
The basic equipment we will need are soccer balls, Go-Karts, helmets, soccer goals, radios, and any extra inventory.
We will have our first location at the North Park Center Mall in Dallas, Texas. We hope this then spreads to other places including other malls across the U.S.
We will get the funds for our business through investors who will buy shares of our company.
We will be using around 13 employees minimum for each store.We will need cashiers, janitors, maintenance repairman, and referees/officials.
The base salary or wage we will pay our employees is $7.85 an hour.