At present, the world’s indigenous population is estimated at 370 million
Individuals living in more than 70 countries.They are described as having
Their own histories,languages,cultures,political systems,livelihoods,beliefs
And identities.
Over the last three(3) decades they have moved from their traditional lands
towards urban areas partly seeking oppurtunities for education and
employment, partly because of human rights,abuses and violations in
particular to their land rights and partly for cultural survival.
The Matigsalug-Manobo is one of the 110 ethnic groups of the Philippines.
Their population totals approximately 50,000.
Chapter 11
The Matigsalugs are found in the eastern of Marilog, Davao City, and in the towns of Kitaotao in Bukidnon. Matigsalug means people who live along the river, and this river is specifically Davao River which the Matigsalugs simply call Salog.
Datu Cosme Lambayon
Is one of the tribal leaders of the Matigsalug-Manobo tribe of Kitaotao on Mindanao, One of the small islands which from the archipelago of the Philippines.From his early childhood he was confronted with the “discrimination” and the “ostracism” faced by his people solely because they are indigenous.
Is defined as An Act to recognize,protect and promote the rights of
Indigenous Cultural Communities. Indigenous peoples ,
creating a National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, establishing and
implementing mechanisms and appropriate funds therefore”.
In July 2003 , the Government of the Philippines recognized the ancestral
domain of Matigsalug-Manobo under the Indigenous People’s Rights Act.
They now hold a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title with a total terrain
of over 100,000 hectares on the island of Mindanao.
From 1960 to 1975 and during the years of “MARTIAL LAW” under
President Ferdinand E. Marcos
The largest portion of the Matigsalug-Manobo ancestral domains was occupied
as partureland by private logging concessionaries
For Lambayon’s community,this meant losing their livelihoods and traditions.
Lambayon explained at theVoices Event, for them the issue was not only the
Chastic measure of MARTIAL LAW, it was also “DISCRIMINATION''.
After 2½ months of protest , Marcos decided to cancel the logger’s lease
Agreements and to grant amnesty to the tribe leaders.
After Marcos downfall , his pronouncement lapsed. The change in leadership
Also meant change in the Constitution.
In 1987 Datu Cosme Lambayon and his fellow tribal leaders, along with other
Indigenous People’s Organization and NGO’s , lobbied in Congress and Senate to
Incorporate provisions for the promotion and protection of the indigenous people
In the Constitution of the Philippines.