Required Credits for Graduation
- 4 English
- 4 Math
- 3 Science
- 3 Social Studies
- 1 Fine Arts
- 1 PE/Health
- 2 Foreign Language**
- 4 Electives
22 Total Credits
Pass AIMS Reading, Writing, Math
**Can take extra electives if not attending 4 year college to cover 2 credits of foreign language
Dates to Remember!
- Grades are used to determine the mastery of a concept or performance objective
- Progress Reports are available mid-block through PASS
- Report Cards are sent out after the block ends
- Grades are updated and posted to PASS weekly
- AIMS Retake:
- Writing – October 23rd, 2012
- Reading – October 34th, 2012
- Math – October 25th, 2012
Credit Recovery Programs
- CBE (Computer Based Education)
- Students may complete courses at own pace
- Summer School
- Two 2-week sessions in June
- $75 cash or money order per session
- Evening Classes
- 4th Hour runs from 2:04 to 3:54
- 5th Hour runs from 3:58 to 5:48
- Dinner runs from 5:48 to 6:06
- 6th Hour runs from 6:10 to 8:00
Student Programs
What Makes Maya Special?
- Work Credit
- Student must maintain a C or better in ALL classes
- 130 hours of work = .5 elective credit
- Maximum number of credits a student can receive through Work Credit is 2 credits
- English Language Development Department
- AZELLA Test used for placement and to show growth
- Students currently in program can take ELA classes in addition to regular course requirements
- On order to exit program, student needs to test out
- Special Education Department
- Student Services Coordinator
- Paraprofessional
Federal Lunch Program
- Senior, Junior and Sophomore Database includes the following information:
- Attendance, schedule, flex, grades and any additional relevant information
- English and Math classes are taken consecutively and coupled with support courses in necessary
- Starting Block 2, there will be enrollment testing for reading and math
- Galileo Benchmark Testing – twice per year
- Special Workshops aligned to specific concepts and performance objectives that are areas of concern, determined through formal assessments
- Extra-Curricular Activities – including, but not limited to:
- Varsity Sports
- Student Council
- Film Club
- Art Club
- Incentive programs to celebrate success in attendance, academic performance, and citizenship
- What do we provide?
- Free Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- What can you do to take advantage of this opportunity?
- Be enrolled at Maya!
- Be in good academic standing
We are...Maya!!!
- New catering service
- Free breakfast served from 7:30 – 7:55 daily, including Fridays
- Two paraprofessionals
About Maya
John Anderson - School Leader
Jon Kronstedt - Assistant Principal - School Activities
Sharifa Rowe - Assistant Principal - Academics
Sarai Canada - Office Manager
Indira Martinez - ELL Coordinator
Jennifer Olson - Enrollment Specialist
Jazmin Rojo - Attendance Clerk/Receptionist
Yesenia Torres - Meal Coordinator/Receptionist
English Teachers - Kendra Baker, Nancy Hill, Willi Sanchez
Math Teachers - Nathan Cumpton, AmyLee Kinder, Samantha Schneider, Rikkee Van Duyn
Science Teacher - Tiffany Shipman
Art Teacher - Kerriann Schmoldt
CBE Teacher - NB Long
Our Expectations
- Maya High School has been open since 1998
- We have been AdvancEd Accredited since
- School wide Title 1
- Based on enrollment test scores and free/reduced lunch paperwork
- Contribute to maintaining a respectful school environment
- Attendance – see handbook for specific policies
- Be serious and dedicated to academics
- Behave appropriately for a professional and academic environment
- Abide by the school guidelines and expectations, including, but not limited to:
- We are a closed campus
- You must wear your ID at all times
- Encourage parent support and involvement
Title 1
- Money from the government that provides services for struggling students to help them achieve success
- Free program for those students enrolled
- Allows us to provide supplemental services to all of our students
- Federally funded program based on at-risk population
- Funds given out based on number of free and reduced lunch numbers
- Used to fund supplemental programs to core curriculum
- Math
- English
- Science
- Social Studies
- AIMS Workshops on Fridays for all students
- Study Island (online tutoring)
- CPS Response systems
- 1 Mobile Computer Cart
- Mobile Lab (laptop computers will need to be purchased to uphold mission and vision for all students)
- Continued professional development for staff in areas designated through surveys (technology)
- Remedial English and Math courses to bring students to high school grade level academia
Title 1 Programs
- Tutoring –Fridays all subject areas
- Math support for AIMS for 10th – 12th graders who have not passed AIMS
- Algebra Cohort Class with Support Built In
- Math Tutoring
- English support for AIMS for 10th who have not passed AIMS
- English Tutoring
- Paraprofessional
Classroom Expectations
- All courses are aligned to Arizona State Standards and National Standards
- The school day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 8:00 pm
- The 21st Century Classroom promotes and produces student achievement and growth. Some of the tools we use to ensure this is happening include, but are not limited to:
- iPads for instructional use
- Mobile Laptop Cart
- SMART Boards
Requirements During 2012 - 2013
- Activity Fee for all students: $20
- This will help provide on and off campus activities for students throughout the year
- Athletic Fee: $50 per student per sport
- This will help pay for jerseys transportation, facility fees, etc.
- All students must have a physical in order to participate in any sport
What you can do
- Be involved!
- Committee involvement
- Student Activities
- Athletic Support
- Festivals
- Volunteer
- Attend school events
- Let us know your strengths
- Give suggestions/share ideas for improving Maya
- Community Outreach
- Other skills
Parent – School Collaboration
Data Use and Evaluation
- Parents have access to PASS and grades will updated weekly
- Progress Reports will be available on PASS mid-block
- Phone calls will be made to parents/guardians to ensure communication regarding:
- Positive performance
- Celebrations of success
- Behavior concerns
- Attendance concerns
- During enrollment, you signed a school agreement
- PLEASE look over this agreement carefully and let us know about any suggestions, questions or concerns on the copy of the agreement you were given
- Additional suggestions, questions or comments are encouraged. Please leave those with our Office Staff
- What can we find out?
- Benchmark (Galileo) and AIMS results guide curriculum decisions
- Analysis of test information reveals areas of weakness
- How do we use this information?
- Daily refresher activities (Warm Ups) in reading, writing, math and science to address areas of concern
- Weekly workshops to extend learning and offer opportunities for further study
- Comprehensive Math PO Matrix
- Math Lab and Algebra 1 alignment
- English Essentials and English alignment
Standardized Testing
- AIMS (10-12)
- Take for the 1st time in the spring of the 10th grade year (Writing, Reading, Math, Science)
- Can take again in fall and spring of 11th and 12th grade year until the tests are passed (Writing, Reading, Math)
- Programs Offered
- Math Courses that support AIMS, English Courses that support AIMS, Workshops every Friday prior to taking AIMS tests, Tutoring, AIMS Bootcamp over Fall and Spring Break
- GALILEO (9-12)
- When?
- Required for all students two times each Block (Pre and Post Testing)
- Why?
- Used to see progress of students even after passing AIMS
- Tracking and Progress used for accreditation
- AIMS replica for Reading, Math
- STANFORD 10 (9)
- 9th grade year only (April)
Welcome to Maya High School!!!
Goals for Maya
- Writing – FAY students 75%
- Reading – FAY students 75%
- Math – FAY students 75%
- AMO Levels for 2012 – 2013
- Reading – 75%
- Math – 75%
Let’s continue to work together to bring pride and success to Maya High School!
Title 1 School Improvement
Planning Meeting