Environment friendly
- CO2 emission
- Pre-transport
- Main transport
- After transport
Thank you for your attention!
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The best route
- Port of Charleston
- Port of Norfolk
- Port of Rotterdam
- Port of Antwerp
- Port of Felixstowe
- Hyundai Merchant Marine
- 8 40 ft. containers
- Port of Norfolk
- Port of Felixstowe
- Sunderland
- 12 days, 5 hours and 43 minutes
- USD 30963.50
The best route
- 1 40 ft and 1 20 ft container
- Port of Charleston
- Port of Antwerp
- DC in Antwerp
- Eurotunnel
- Luton
- 19 days, 8 hours and 2 minutes
- USD 7161.12
The best route
The best route
- 5 40 ft. containers
- Port of Norfolk
- Port of Felixstowe
- 12 days and 50 minutes
- USD 24029.26
- 14 40ft. containers
- Port of Charleston
- Port of Rotterdam
- Strassbourg
- 22 days, 11 hours and 37 minutes
- USD 56009.70
Final destinations
The best route
- 1 40 ft. container
- Port of Charleston
- Port of Antwerp
- DC in Antwerp
- Poissy
- 13 days, 4 hours and 27 minutes
- USD 5279.41
The best route
- 9 40 ft. 1 20 ft. conainers
- Port of Charleston
- Port of Rotterdam
- Container Terminal Melzo
- Turin
- 23 days and 1 hour
- USD 39610.98
- Empty Depot-Factory
- Factory-Port of Loading
- Road Transport
- Rail Transport
The assignment
- Munich - Cheshire
- Turin - Sunderland
- Luton - Poissy
Why Kuhnle Logistics?
Group 25
Vincent Jackson
Rick Konings
Kevin May
Sam Titoua