So what happens if...
- You don’t want to go to University or College?
- You don’t get offered a place on your chosen course?
- You want a job?
Case Study
- Lauren left school at 16
- Completed a Level 2 Business Administration Apprenticeship with Chesterfield Borough Council
- Completed a Level 3 Customer Service Apprenticeship with Evolution Training
- Lauren is now working towards an Advanced Apprenticeship in Management
Sets you up to move into new and better jobs
This does not mean you will be required to stay in school.
Three options post-16:
- full-time education in a school or college or university;
- an apprenticeship;
- part-time accredited learning if you are in full-time employment or volunteering.
Student discounts from Apprentice Extra!
You learn at your own pace and get support when you need it
Lauren has achieved the
following to date:
- Level 2 Apprenticeship in Business Administration
- Advanced Apprenticeship in Customer Service
- Level 2 Mathematics qualifications
- Two+ years’ work experience
- Is in a position to apply for a post with the Police Force
Experience new and different challenges
You gain skills and knowledge which can be used across a range of jobs and industries
Raising the Participation Age (RPA)
An Apprenticeship is essentially a job plus a set of qualifications:
The minimum age at which young people in England can leave learning is being increased. From summer 2013, young people will be required to continue in education or training to the end of the academic year in which they turn 17, and from summer 2015 they will be required to stay until their 18th birthday.
A structured programme that takes you through the skills you need to do a job well and leads to nationally recognised qualifications.
An NVQ Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 (competency)
Functional Skills:
English &
A Technical Certificate at Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 (knowledge)
Knowledge and
develops skills
Training provider or College
What is an Apprenticeship?
Who Are We??
- Apprenticeship delivery
- Support in finding employment
- Career progression
An Apprenticeship is a route into employment, training and education giving you the opportunity to:
What are employers looking for?
Work towards nationally recognised qualifications
Enable progression into further/higher education
Gain a variety of transferable skills
Earn while you learn
Advance in a chosen career
Gain job-specific skills
Remain in education
Good Communicator
Drive and Commitment
Reliable and Trustworthy
How Do I Apply?