Book 17
Book 18
Cast of Characters
- Odysseus kicks Irus’ trash in a fist fight
- All the suitors then think Odysseus is amazing
- Odysseus then see’s Penelope play all of the suitors for gifts
- Odysseus gets insulted by Eurymachus and a fight almost breaks out, but Telemachus calms it down
- Odysseus is in disguise, the only person who knows his true identity is his son, Telemachus
- A seer, Theoclymenus, tells Penelope that Odysseus is on Ithaca now, but Penelope has a hard time believing him
- Argus, Odysseus’ once great dog, now old and sickly dies after seeing Odysseus one last time
- He is mocked, and ridiculed by the suitors because he is a poor beggar
- Some suitors take pity on him and give him food
- Antinous will not, and throws a stool at him
- Penelope asks to see the stranger, they set up a meeting for later
- Odysseus: The protaganist, back at his home after 20 years, but has to live in disguise, though his son knows who he is. King of Ithaca.
- Penelope: Odysseus' wife who is being courted by many suitors. Queen of Ithaca.
- Telemachus: Odysseus and Penelope's son, knows his fathers true identity. Prince of Ithaca.
- Suitors: many men seeking Penelope's hand in marriage so they can be king
- Antinous: One of the leading suitors seeking Penelope's hand
- Eurycleia: Penelope's handmaiden
- Eumaeus: Sheep herd of Odysseus' household
- Eurymachus and Irus: Prideful men who provoke Odysseus
- Theoclymenus: A seer that prophesies for Penelope
- Zeus: King of the gods, gives Odysseus comfort
- Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, is the driving force in helping Odysseus return home. Advises Odysseus on what to do.
Book 19
Epic Simile Analysis
The Odyssey Books 17-20
- Odysseus and Telemachus hide the weapons in the hall
- Penelope and Odysseus talk, she asks him who he is and where he comes from. He makes up a story about his past, to disguise his identity
- Penelope tells Odysseus how she avoided marrying a suitor by weaving a robe and unweaving it at night every day for 3 years
- Penelope offers hospitality by having Eurycleia, one of her handmaidens (who raised Odysseus), wash Odysseus’ feet. Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus by a scar above his knee. Odysseus warns her not to blow his cover.
- Penelope tells Odysseus her plan for choosing a suitor. Whoever can string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through the curves of 12 axe blades will become her husband.
“In this way Odysseus scolded his heart,
And his heart in obedience beat steady and strong.
But the great hero himself tossed and turned.
It was like a man roasting a paunch
Stuffed with fat and blood over a fire.
He can’t wait for it to be done
And so keeps turning it over and over
Odysseus tossing and turning as he pondered how
To get his hands on the shameless suitors,
One man against many” (Lombardo 310).
By: Samantha Stoddard, John Kim, Stephen Young, and Shawn Winston
- Odysseus can't admit who he is because the suitors might kill him, as his return takes away their chance to be the king
- Odysseus' blood boils at the sight of the suitors taking advantage of his wife's situation
Book 20
Key Points
- Odysseus can't sleep because he is nervous that he won't be able to handle all the suitors. Athena comforts him and helps him sleep.
- Penelope wakes up and prays that she will be killed by Artemis. Odysseus overhears and asks Zeus for a good omen. Zeus makes a thunder clap in reply.
- The Suitors discuss and plan killing Telemachus to which Amphinomus convinces them to call it off when an eagle carrying a dove in its talons appears which is supposed to represent doom.
- Ctesippus throws a cow hoof at Odysseus.
- Suitors laugh when Telemachus threatens to attack Ctesippus.
- Walls suddenly are covered in blood which they don't notice. This also foreshadows the awaiting doom.
- Odysseus is in disguise, biding his time and gathering information
- The seer prophesies this to Penelope, who doesn't believe it
- Odysseus is mocked by the suitors and has a stool thrown at him by Antinous
- Odysseus lies about his identity to Penelope
- Odysseus battles Irus, and wins
- Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus
- Penelope tells Odysseus of her plan to find a proper husband
- The gods reassure Odysseus
- The suitors plan to harm Telemachus but are stopped by a sign