The Firstborn
- Leader
- Ambitious
- Responsible
- Likes to hold superiority
- Strives to protect and please
The Youngest Child
- Risk takers
- Charming
- Free spirited
- Expects others to make decisions or take responsibility
- Feels inferior
- Either strives to "overtake" oldest sibling or become allies
The Middle Child
- Outgoing; social
- Peacekeepers
- May feel "out of place"
- Adapts to change
- May result in the "problem child"
- Elevates self by pushing down other siblings
How Birth Order Effects Personality
The Only Child
- The center of attention
- Pampered
- Less cooperative
- Parents set high expectations
- Constantly being controlled
Other Variables
- Gender
- Family size
- Age difference
- Specialness
- Temperament
- Mixed Families
- Parenting style
- Economic Factors