Autism Fact Sheet
Erin Cherniak SE 905
History of aUTISM
1908: Eugune Bleuler creates term of autism when working with patients with schizophrienia
1943-1944: Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner study children in regards to routine, sensory stimuli and communication.
1967: Bettelheim attributes the disorder to poor parenting.
1977: Autism found in genes
1991: Autism added as a special education category in U.S. education
Hans Asperger
Researcher behind Asberger's syndrome, revealed that similar traits to autism and within his studies he called his subjects, "little professors" because of their high specialized interests.
Not one single universal cause for autism.
Leo Kanner
- Genetics (Fragile X syndrome)
- Brain development
- Prenatal/Environmental factors
Ruled out Causes
- Vaccinations (still a debate)
- Lead exposure
- Parenting
Identified autism, differentiated from schizophrenia and developed characteristics
Treatments vary by individual.
Diagnosis of Autism
Anxiety medication
Sleep disorders
ADHD Medication
Antiepileptic drugs
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Role playing
- Model behaviors
- No medical test that can diagnose
- Diagnostic testing includes the following:
- Team of professionals devised to evaluate.
- Members of team listed below.
- pediatrician
- psychologist
- speech/language pathologist
- occupational therapist
- Genetic testing may be completed.
- Medical screening for other related symptoms
Early Diagnosis
Parents may notice signs of autism early in life.
The Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers is a series of questions that may lead to a further evaluation of a child with a developmental specialist.
Late In Life Diagnosis
- Socialization difficulty
- emotions hard to regulate
- social norms not met
- Communication deficits
- attention/inability to process
- Repeptive action/routine
- Rely on routine
- stemming behavior
- Physical/Medical issues
- genetic disorders
Social/emotional challenges may lead to observations and interviews by specialists to start diagnosis.
Newschaffer, C. J., & Laura Kresch Curran. (2003). Autism: An Emerging Public Health Problem. Public Health Reports (1974-), 118(5), 393–399. Retrieved from
Bower, B.. (2014). Tablet devices help kids with autism speak up. Science News, 186(3), 10–10. Retrieved from
Bower, B.. (2013). DSM-5's controversial debut: Diagnostic manual updates disorder criteria. Science News, 184(13), 29–29. Retrieved from
Impact on Family
Visible or Personal Schedule: notify students when there is a change
Estimated $60,000 a year for a family
Parents can be hesitant to diagnose or quick to want to reach a label and improperly diagnose. It can be overwhelming to understand a condition that is still being researched.
Sibling experience many of the same feelings and in addition they may feel left out because of the family focus on the child with autism.
UDL: Provide multiple ways of learning material and differentiate expectations
Vary methods of communication
PECS: Picture Exchange Communication System
Social stories, role playing to develop social interaction, involve peers