Pricing Strategies - Apple Inc.
Virgin Australia
The iPad
iPhone 5
iPhone 5c
Advantages/disadvantages of Premium Pricing
Market - Penetrating
What Is a Pricing Strategy?
- A pricing strategy is the decision of setting a price for a product or service
- It is important to consider both internal and external
- Penetration - Act of setting low initial price to increase the market share
- Skim Pricing - Used with high risk products, unexplored markets and to make back money quicker
- Premium - setting a price higher than the market price, in the expectation that customers will purchase it due to the perception that it must have unusually high quality of reputation
- Released in 2010
- Low demand for Tablets
- Risky, Unestablished Market
The decision of setting a price for
a product or service
- Black, John 2012, Price elasticity: A dictionary of economics, Oxford University Press
- Menzes, Flavio 2015, Parliament should look closely at iron ore price war, podcast, ABC viewed 21/05/15.
- Seamons, Owen 2015, Week 10 pricing strategy, PowerPoint slides, University of Queensland, Brisbane
- Accounting Tools, (2014). Premium Pricing [online], [Accessed 14th May 2015].
- Nielson, S. (2014). An Investor’s Essential Guide to Apple. [online] Market Realist., [Accessed 14th May 2015].
- Richards, L. (2013). Different Types of Pricing Strategy [Online], Demand Media [Accessed 14th May 2015].
- Varjan, T. (2012). Eight Advantages or Premium pricing Strategy [Online] [Accessed 14th May 2015].
• Apple Inc., (2015). Apple (Australia) - Apple Press Info - iPhone 5 First Weekend Sales Top Five Million. [online] Apple. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2015].
• Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S. and Kotler, P. (2015). Foundations of Marketing. 3rd ed. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia, p.276.
• Padilla, R. (2013). iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c Sales Top Nine Million in Launch Weekend. [online] MacRumors. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2015].
• Riley, J. (2015). Penetration Pricing. [online] tutor2u. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2015].
Now We Want To Hear From You
Cost Based Pricing
“a record-breaking nine million units since the launch of both phones this past Friday.”
Existing Products
Internal Factors
- Cost of production+ mark up= price
- Economy of scale is important here = less cost more profit
- Pricing takes into account what the minimum sale is needed in terms of units and price to break even
- Brand is not particularly important
External Factors
- Fixed: Costs that the business will have even if it produces nothing
- Variable: Rises or lowers depending on production level, calculated in margin per item
- Total cost: The sum of both
Skim Pricing
Below the Market
- Cheaper aims at selling bulk, generally not branded products
At the Market
- Large majority of everyday purchases, most branded products
Above the market
- Sells higher than the competition but could represent superior quality of niche market
Can anyone think of another apple
product that could relate to skim
Bases of Pricing
What are some companies that might use this strategies?
Three Conditions
Who owns an apple product?
Value Based Pricing
Can anybody think of any other businesses’ that utilizes premium pricing as the marketing strategy?
Your Consumer Thoughts?
What do you personally like about it?
Competition Based
- Economic value pricing
- Tender Pricing
- Going Rate pricing
- Performance Based pricing
Was their a lot of competition?
Did you research other options?
Did you care about price?
Was brand reputation the most important factor?
- Target market must be highly price sensitive
- Production/distribution costs must fall as sales rise
- Prices must beat your competitor’s
Premium Pricing
Key considerations:
- Brand
- Non-price variables
- What is it worth to the consumer?
- Less emphasis on production cost
- establishes a price higher than the competitors…[it] can be effectively used when there is something unique about the product or when the product is first to market and the business has a distinct competitive advantage” (Richards, 2015).
- “Premium pricing is the practice of setting a price higher than the market price, in the expectation that customers will purchase it due to the perception that it must have unusually high quality of reputation” (Accounting Tools, 2015).
Used When:
- High Risk
- Unexplored Market
- Need to Cover Costs Quickly
Supply and Demand
Pricing Strategies
In relation to Apple inc.
Penetration Pricing
- Supply: The the amount of a particular good on the market
- Demand: The quantity that is demanded of a particular good
- Supply Vs. demand generally dictates price
- Surprising your competition
- Encouraging word-of-mouth
- Easier distribution
- No guarantee of customer loyalty
- Can create expectation of permanent prices
- Retaliation of competition
4 P's of Marketing
“the act of setting a low initial price, in order to penetrate the market quickly and deeply.”
- Founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
- Worth $700 Billion Dollars
- Most Valuable Company
- Core Products: Mac, iPod, iPad, iPhone
Price Elasticity
- Price
- Product
- Promotion
- Place
Marketing objectives:
- Increase number of consumers
- Increase market share
- Provide opportunity to increase price later on