Helpdesk LIB 202
Monday – Friday
8:00 – 9:00
Stolen laptop?
IT Systems Overview
Wireless on Campus
Acceptable Electronic Communications Use Policy ON CAMPUS
- Your use of any systems may be monitored and/or audited at any time
- Abuse of resources may result in sanctions
- Pornography is not allowed
- Don’t be a spammer
Peer-to-Peer/File Sharing (BitTorrents)
File Sharing Program Use – NOT Allowed on Campus
Violation of Student Policies, UNTHSC Policies, and Federal Copyright laws
Network is monitored for file sharing traffic
Use Strong Passwords!
Don't share your password with anyone at anytime!
Don't fall victim to phishing scams
Microsoft Office 365 Email
- Always login with
- Password is separate from all other passwords*
- Your email address is OR (people can email either address and it will come to you)
- Can use Outlook, Outlook Web App, iPhone, Android, etc...
- As a part of Microsoft O365 you get 1 TB of space in the “cloud” for file storage called OneDrive for Business – great place to store stuff
Always use to login
Make sure your name label is correct!
Password Setup
iPad Mini Setup
On your computer (in addition to the standard OS and apps) you will find:
MS Office*
Pharos Printing
Adobe Reader
Don't forget to back up your data!!
Use HSC Events wireless (no password) as your wireless network
*Assemble the power adapter/charger and plug it in
*Plug in your USB Ethernet Adapter, then plug in your Ethernet cable.
*Plug your Ethernet cable into the desk
*Turn on the laptop
- Back up your files often!!
- External Hard Drive (Time Machine)
- OneDrive (1TB)
- Don’t use thumb drives
- Keep files in the usual places (Documents,Desktop)
- Try to keep file names short, no special characters
Important Things We Have to Cover
Accessories and Cases
UNT Bookstore
Apple Store
(University Park Village)
Best Buy
- Homework:
- Update Adobe and Java for Canvas
- Install Recommended Apps
- School Calendar
Student volunteers who are both comfortable with and knowledgeable of technology to serve as “super users” for their classmates. This group serves as front line IT support for their class, and also serve as liaisons to the UNTHSC Information Technology Support (ITS) team.
"a day in the life"
- Hiep-Huy Tran - TCOM
- Daniel Tran - TCOM
- Kimberly Farias - TCOM
- Steven Vo - TCOM
- Naomi Gilchrist - PA
- Giftson Joseph - PA
- You?
Basic Setup
Todd Hendrickson, TCOM 2018
Preloaded for You:
Pharos Printing
Office 365
Adobe Reader
Student Technology Program
Inventory Your Bag
MacBook Pro (in the box)
Ethernet cable
USB Ethernet Adapter
External Hard Drive
Tuition, Support, Testing
TCOM Calendars
Learning Management System
2019 Selection
Features, Tips and Tricks
- Wireless available in all buildings on campus
- Recommend connecting to ethernet whenever possible (especially testing) - don't forget your USB Ethernet adapter and Ethernet cable
- Choose HSC-Students as your wireless network. Log in with your EUID and universal password. - HSC Events won't work after tomorrow
- You will have to enter your new password after a password change
ID’s and Logins
Goodreader ($) Paperport Notes (Noterize) ($) Evernote Simplenote Penultimate (by Evernote) Dropbox Office Mobile Apps (including OWA for iPad) Soundnote ($) Notability ($) AppStart
Technology Day
- Works with your EUID, and is used for all UNTHSC IT systems except Office 365* email
- Expires once a year
- Must be at least 8 characters with 1 number, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase
- Manage your password at
- Forgot password
- What’s my EUID
- EUID activation
IT Systems Overview
On Campus Computer Access
- Library (Must login with Universal network ID)
- Student Development Computer Lab
- Ethernet connections
- Wireless
- Tables in Library
“Universal” Password
- If you have not activated your account, click on the Activate Account link on the right hand side
- Open a browser and go to
- Click on Forgot Password
- Follow the prompts
Agree to the Acceptable Electronic Communication Use Policy
“Universal” Password
Open a browser and go to
- Follow the prompts to set your new password
- Password must be at least 8 characters with at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one number
- *Suggestion – use a “passphrase”
- Do not write down your password
- No UNT or UNTHSC person will EVER ask for your password – don’t give it out!
Click Log In
- Log In With EUID and password
Center for Innovated Learning
Email Password
Go to
IT Systems Overview
Pharos Printing
- Username:
- Temporary password: UnthscXXXX (year of your birth)
- After you login, follow the prompts
Information Technology Services: Christian Markgraf, Chad Sherlock, Terry Burnett, Matt Hansen
Vonn Miller, Ken Gray
Access to systems:
ID’s and Logins
ID’s and Logins – ID Badge
- Library Card, Printing Card, Parking Garage, Activity Center, Elevators in the MET
- Access to 24/7 Study Areas
- Should be visible at all times
- Report to police (x2210) if lost
- $25 to replace
- Don’t leave in the heat
Pharos Printing
Printing and Copying
- Pharos
- Use your ID Badge
- Pharos ID & Password – same as network ID
- Can print from:
- Laptops, Library Computer Labs, Student Development Lounge
- Multi-Function Devices (Printers & Copiers)
- Located in Library, Student Development Lounge, CBH, EAD, MET
- Must be on our network (wifi) or connected through VPN to print from home
Releasing a Pharos Print Job
Program Overview
IT Systems and Support
MacBook Pro Setup, Basics, and Email Password
Features, Tips and Tricks
What's Next
More information and presentations from today can be found at
(Search UNTHSC Helpdesk)
Technology Day 2019
Classroom and Events Technology Support
Thank you, and welcome to UNTHSC!
Hayley Brunner
Brook Amen
Michele Whitehead
Mike Pullin
Emily Johnson
- Must have your student ID badge on you at all times to enter the library, especially at night
- Stop by the Library Service Desk to load money onto your printing account. Credit/debit only.
- To print to Pharos, be on HSC-Student Wi-Fi
- PharosBW= black and white printing, 5 cents a page, PharosColor- 25 cents a page