Responses to the Depression
- Getulio Vargas created the National Department of Coffee, which was established to wean Brazil of its dependence of this crop.
- A reduction of coffee tree planting was ordered, and the number of trees went from 3 million to 2.5 million.
- The Brazilian government reduced its imports by 75% between 1929 and 1932.
- The Brazilian government traded much with Germany.
Responses Cont.
- Vargas created the Ministry of Labour and integrated the unions into the Ministry,
- The government provided a fixed minimum wage, a maximum working week of 48 hours, and an 8-hour day in some industries.
- Vargas established a social security system.
- New schools were created, teacher training was required, and teachers' salaries were increased.
- Brazil created the Sao Paulo Institute for Permanent Defense of Coffee to keep coffee prices high. To do this, they had to take out loans with foreign banks.
- The Wall Street Crash was also a cause of the Great Depression in Brazil.
- In September, coffee was being sold at 22 cents per pound, but by December, it had fallen to 15 cents.Overproduction and low prices made coffee very unvaluable.
- Because Brazil relied heavily on coffee, their economy was hurt dramatically. Eventually, the debt increased to 1181 million dollars
- Both of these causes were economic.
- Valorization- programs to control the price of coffee failed, leading to an even larger supply and flooding the market even more.(political)
- The government sold its gold reserves to help the prolem, but they were depleted by 1930. This left the economy and government in ruin. (political)
Impact on the Society
- For women, maternity benefits were provided to help women remain in the workplace. They were also given suffrage in 1932.
- Communist groups in Brazil grew strong, but the government ended them by arresting their leaders and sometimes tortured them. Leftist parties were then banned.
- In December of 1929, shop owners in brazil reported a 40% decline in sales.
- Most Brazilian rural workers were laborers who planters could no longer afford to pay. Thy began to subsist on food that they planted between trees.
- Businesses were forced to lay off workers, increasing the unemployment.
- IB History of the Americas book
Cure for the Depression
- Vargas' economic policies were successful in helping to cure the Great Depression.
- Between 1924 and 1939 industrial output grew at an average rate of 6%.
- The second World War helped Brazil get out of the depression.
- Brazilian goods were being exported, and a push towards heavy industry was in place.
Brazil and the Great Depression