The Globe Theatre
"Totus Mundus Agit Histrionem"
The Modern Theatre
- In Bankside, Southwark
- Located near Thames river in an outlying district of London
- Not a very "respectable" place
- However it attracted a wide arrange of people, rich and poor
- The lease on the "The Theatre" had run out so they needed another theatre
- Though James and Richard Burbage had money, there still wasn’t enough
- They decided to each own 25% of the theatre and the Lords Chamberlain's Men would each own 12.5%
- Was completed in 1599
- A Flag with Hercules holding the globe on his shoulders was used to announce their first play, Julies Ceaser
- Built once again in 1996 by Sam Wanamaker
- Very similar to original theatre
- Different sized doors and hallways (Fire Hazard Regulations)
- Same Material
- Slightly different location, near by
- Plays are still performed everyday, including Shakespeare's most famous
Plays, Events, & Productions
Burnt, Rebuilt, and Forgotten
- Burnt Down on on June the 29th, 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII
- A cannon intentionally fired and landed on the thatched roof of the playhouse
- Rebuilt a year later, this time with tile roofing
- It ran successfully for another 38 years when Puritanical forces arose in England.
- Playhouses became a place of evil and not fun
- The Globe Theatre was demolished in 1644
- A circular three story theatre with the stage set in the center
- Approximately 100 ft wide in diameter
- Made from oak, deal and stolen playhouse frames
- Could hold up to 3,000 people
- Thatched roof and wood were very flammable...
- The plays were very BIG!
- Female characters were played by boys
- Courtyard cost was a penny, theatre balcony was a nickle or dime
- Props and effects were tacky and mostly left up to the viewers imaginations
- Typically Operated from 2pm to 5pm
What is it?
- Sometimes Shakespeare would act in his own plays
- Elizabethan Playhouse (Theatre)
- One of the first built
- The most famous
- Built for the The Lord Chamberlain's Men
- 7 play writers including Shakespeare
- Commonly known as the Shakespearean Theatre