In groups, We will using TP-CASTT to analyze the following poem.
Each group will be assigned an element of TP-CASTT that they will be responsible for reporting back to the class.
--> (Rhetoric and tropology)
First Nations' Poetry
Learning Goals:
Back to analysis...
Students will extend their understanding and analysis of poetry by using TP-CSATT to analyze a poem.
Students will also reflect on their own identity in a creative way
Learning Skills:
Collaboration: working in groups and contributing to class discussions
Initiative: willingness to take risks; positive attitude
What is the purpose of touching on these stereotypes? What is he attempting to do?
What is he saying about identity?
Let's write a theme statement!!!
First Nations' Stereotypes
" We are..."
"I am"
Create a visual that represents your identity.
You may want to contrast your own identity with the identity you believe is expected of you.
Title: 3740166701
The image may correspond with a line from your "I am" poem.
We will put these images together to create a class visual "We are" poem
“I wrote this poem because I feel that Aboriginal people who aren’t willing to wear their heritage on their sleeve are looked down upon by those who do. I also wrote it in protest of the way that Aboriginal artists are pigeon-holed into certain genres of art and music. I feel that we as Aboriginal people are dictated to and trapped by our own stereotypes and stigmas.”
John Adrian McDonald
Holistic Wheel
- 6th generation descendent of Chief Mistwasis of the Plains Cree
- Cree --> one of the largest First Nation's groups in North America
- Writer, artist, tattoo historian, musician, playwright, actor and activist
South: the south represents elements of summer, innocence, the emotional aspects of a person
Symbol of harmony and peaceful interaction among all living things on earth.
A circle that is divided into four sections that each represent: direction, seasons, calendar months, race, gifts, age, and personal development.