Conflict In The Ohio Valley
- Settlers dreamed of moving into Ohio Valley
- Both Britain and France claimed the area
- The French built a fort (Fort Duquesne) where modern Pittsburgh is in 1754.They made good on their claim.
- A small force of Virginia militia (leaded by 22 year old volunteer George Washington) tried to drive the French out of Ohio Valley.
The Quartering Act
- Patriots/Whigs-Americans who believed that the colonies had the right to govern themselves
- Loyalists-Americans who felt a deep loyalty to Great Britain
- Militia-A small army made up of ordinary citizens who are available to fight in an emergency
- Tyranny-The unjust use of government power
- Repeal-To take back a law
- Boycott-To refuse to buy one or more goods from a certain source
- Colonies-A group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land
- Massacre-The unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals
The Stamp Act
- This law ordered colonial assemblies to provide British troops with housing, and furnish them with supplies that they would need.
- 1767-The New York assembly didn't vote any money towards salt,vinegar,and beer.
- The British government reacted by refusing to let the New York assembly meet until they agreed to obey the Quartering Act.
- 1765-Grenville proposed The Stamp Act
- Everything had to have a stamp on it, even playing cards.
- Colonists sensed tyranny.
- Loyalists refused to buy these stamps.
- Mobs ("Sons Of Liberty") attacked the tax collector's homes.
- After months of protest,The Stamp Act was canceled.
- Vocabulary Terms---Slide 3
- The Events(In Order)-
- Cause And Effect-
- Essential Question-
The Proclamation Of 1763
The Evolution Of Revolution Project
- Native Americans and Colonists couldn't stop killing each other.
- King's order suggested tyranny.
- To keep piece on the frontier,the British Army in America expanded to 7,500 men.
A Boycott Of British Goods
(Year Unknown)
- Townshend duties=taxes in disguise
- Boston Patriot Samuel Adams led the opposition of the Townshend acts.
- Adams wrote a letter for protesting this.
- Colonies decided to boycott British goods.
- Women found several ways to avoid buying British goods:
- sew dresses out of homespun cloth
- brew tea from pine needles
- bought only American-made goods
Repeal Of The Townshend Acts
- A New Leader named Lord North became head of British government
- He saw that the Townshend duties were a big money-loser
- Early in 1770,Lord North persuaded Parliament to repeal all the Townshend duties,except for the tax on tea.
The French And Indian War
- 1,400 British soldiers were sent to Virginia to "finish the job" that Washington started.This was led by Edward Braddock.Sadly, it was a disaster.About two thirds of the British soldiers were killed.Washington barely made it out alive.
- Raged on for 7 more years
- 1759-This was a turning point.The British troops captured Canada.
- In 1763,Great Britain and France signed a treaty.France gave Canada to Great Britain.