External Communication
The Big Idea
- Costco is one of the most renowned companies in North America
- Ranked #2 in Retailers and #24 in the Forbes 500 companies.
- It is unique in the fact that it takes care of
- Employees
- Members
Unparalleled benefits and service
Community Service
Costco donations are only for local organizations and groups, which focus on children, education or health and human services. Three to focus on:
- Waldo Canyon Fire
- Boston Employee
- United Way
- "Going Green"
- Organic Emphasis
- Recycling
- Employee Carpooling
- Energy conservation
News &
External PR
- PR Defined
- No official PR Department
- No commercials
- Success comes from members' word of mouth recommendations
- Benefits for recommending to a friend
- Renewing members, informed of new locations in their area
these guys?
1. News & External PR
2. Community Service
3. Sustainability
1. Training
2. Accomplishments
3. Culture
Internal Communication
The Basics
- Benefits
- One of the cheapest pharmaceuticals
- Costco. com
- Membership perks/ Return Policies
- CostcoConnection.com
- Offers you and your family medical coverage (health, dental, vision)Supports their student employees and works with their scheduleBuying in bulk is better and saves moneyExecutive members earn 2% reward (up to $750 per year) on Costco purchases
- Hiring Process/ Preliminary Interview Process
- Orientation
- 90 Day Probation/ 3 days of training
- Incentives past 90 days
Bre Study, Kelsea Michels,
Chelsie Overocker, Rachel Woronoff
Kerani Kent, Leigh Ann Trapp