Pages 131-134
- Marjane puts on her new clothes and goes out.
- She buys tapes for the black market.
- The Guardians of the Revolution stop her.
- She gets out of trouble by lying.
- Ends with her dancing to Kim Wilde's Kids in America.
The tensions of living in Iran during the revolution while having a 'Western' mindset and how Marjane deals with it.
Pg. 134
- Moment-to-moment transition
- "She'll burn me with the clothes iron."
Scene-to-scene transition
- Lying to her parents to keep privileges
- Ends with her dancing to the tapes
- Kim Wilde
- An idol of Marjane's generation
- Represents freedom, independence - "Kids in America"
- Society keeps watch
- Moment-to-moment transition
- White background to focus on Marjane's outfit.
- Contrasts pg. 131
Chapter Summary
- Shows Marjane's ability to think quickly.
- Marjane's parents visit Turkey.
- They smuggle her back some goods.
- She puts on her new gear and goes out to buy tapes.
- She is harassed by Guardians of the Revolution.
Pg. 131
- Scene-to-scene transition
- White background, focus on Marjane, her outfit, and posters
- One panel for each item
To Conclude
- Change in her mother's facial expression
- Allows Marjane to have independence
- White background reflects the mood of these panels
Suppression of freedom in society brings out the worse in people
- Marjane's parents open-mindedness, versus their society's narrow-mindedness (Guardians of Revolution)
- Tension between the two ways of life
- Generational contrast between Marjane and her parents
- In terms of taking risks and the motivation behind them
Pg. 132
- 1st panel on the page is the largest
- 1 buyer : 7 sellers ratio
- Action-to-action transition
- Black background
- worry, stealth
- Both are cautious to not be seen
- Marjane fails to pay attention to her surroundings
- Her good mood abruptly changes to fear
Persepolis: Kim Wilde
Larisa & Marius