Hydrophis Belcheri
( Belcher's Sea Snake)
The length is anywhere from 20-40 inches long.
The Belcher's Sea Snake has a chrome yellow body with dark bands going across its body. They help it to camouflage against the ocean floor,protecting it from larger predators. They also help it sneak up on prey. It also has a dark blue head, which is short and thin to help reach through coral and grab fish.
It eats fish and shellfish, and it injects
venom into its prey, then swallows it whole.
When you are bitten, they don't always inject you with venom, if they do, you are most likely to die.
The width of its spine is 5 millimeters.
Life span:about 20 years.
It has valves over its nostrils that
close underwater.
It has a paddle-like tail which makes it
an expert swimmer.
They have neurotoxins that can kill, but
they only inject a small amount of venom
because it takes time to make the venom.
They can hold their breath for 7-8 hours,
even while sleeping.