- $300 fine
- 8 hour alcohol class
- 1 year suspension
Possible Solutions
- Point system
- Earn back privileges by attending events about sexual assault
- Education on sexual assault wouldn't stop once social probation is over
What are we doing NOW
It's On Us: Sexual Assault PSA
- Safer
- Support through crisis counseling, advocacy, education
- Total of 102 appointments in Fall 2014
What have other Colleges done?
- Greek Specific
- New position on every Greek executive board dedicated to working with Safer program
- Greeks Against Sexual Assault Forum
It's On Us
- Campaign made by the White House
- Supported by celebrities
- Promotes awareness of sexual assault
- Encourages men and women to put and end to it
- Provides outlets for victims
Do you feel victimized as a greek member by social probation?
Has partying diminished since social probation has started?
Do you feel social probation has made an impact in rape prevention?
WHY? Why College Campuses Specifically?
-Alcohol is present in 60,000 rapes per year on college campuses
-#1 drug used in sexual assaults
87% of sexual assaults in college happen in party situations
WHY? Why Is Rape so Common?
We live in a Rape Culture, between Music,
Ads, and even News. Sexism and acceptance of sexual assault surrounds us.
Rape is Prevalent on College Campuses
Cal Poly
Greek Life
- Rape is the most common violent crime on college campuses nationwide.
-1 in 4 college women report being sexually assaulted
Financial Limitations of SoPro
- Quarterly dues include social events
- About 3 main social events per quarter under normal circumstances
- Where does our money go?
One = All
Social Probation
- President Armstrong puts his foot down!
The Issue of Sexual Assault
Reported Assaults
1) Halloween at PIKE fraternity
2) End of Fall quarter - AGR
3) Beginning of January - off of Monte Vista Place
Did You Know?
Camp Fire Girls
Fight against domestic violence
Did You Know?
Raised over $8,000
Raised over $80,000
Big Brothers and Sisters
Last year: $2,500
Goal this year: $3,000
Amount Raised: $4,000
By: Shelia Clapp, Gianna Carpenello, Sara Chen and Lena Binley
Condoleeza Rice: Former Secretary of State
Rice joined the Alpha Chi Omega sorority while attending the University of Denver
Former President George W. Bush:
Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale
Dr. Martin Luther King
Legendary civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King joined Alpha Phi Alpha while attending Boston University. The fraternity has a scholarship in his name.
Mark Zuckerberg: Inventor of Facebook
Besides working on Facebook in his dorm room at
Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg was a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi
- To address the issue of Greek Life being put on social probation
- Sexual Assault is a societal problem
- Social Probation can't fix a campus-wide problem