Relevance to Workforce
and University
People of Color and Ageism (Youth)
- Zero Tolerance policies push black students out of school
- Need to apply restorative justice policies instead
- Suspension for normal adolescent behavior lead to time lost learning
- Young black people are more likely to be referred to juvenile court than white peers
- Disparities grow from here
- In 80's and 90's, Congress passed new laws against juvenile crimes and increased penalties against children
- Prosecuting youth permanently disadvantages them with a criminal record
People of Color and Ageism (Elders)
- Age is respected in colored communities
- Ageism is seen as secondary to racism, which is not true for elders
- Elders suffer from society's treatment
- Low chance to have good healthcare
- Bad housing and nutrition
- Poverty and violence lead to death of young parents -> elders responsible for children
- Hard to make money to care of them as getting a job is very difficult
- Topic of Ageism is important because it can impact who can get a job or not
- If too old or too young, it may set someone back
- Minimum age requirement to work is 16 years old
- Some employers may not hire someone if they are too old
- At university, those who are the youngest may not have their voices heard
- Especially frustrating since the rules are about students and they might not have a say
Self Reflection Exercise Discussion Questions
Youth Oppression and Social Justice
- Adults need to create spaces for youth to lead
- Youth Participatory Action Research allows youth to research ageism and suggest solutions
- Research on issues in the education system such as the failings of No Child Left Behind and the GED
- Historical amnesia prevents adults from leading alone
- Powerlessness seen as a rite of passage
- Assume that they have long, productive futures
- Assume they have not given up on life
- Don't assume anything about their physical capabilities
- Know laws pertaining to elders and lobby non-ageist policies
- Elders and non-elders need to have confident, high expectations of elders
- Go to their space and their turf
- Assist young people to rely on each other and to take themselves and each other seriously
- Young people should be a central part of any organization, movement, etc.
- In meetings, ask young people to talk first
- Insist that young people are represented at every meeting
- Do you have any personal anecdotes of when you faced ageism?
- What are some ways besides the ones mentioned in the text to help elders who may face age discrimination?
- How has your intersectionality played a role in how you have faced age oppression?
Voices Overview
- Jasilyn Charger- Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota
- All Nations Fire protesting $3.8 Billion Dakota Access Pipeline
- Conflict between older and younger generations (Retirement is not the Golden years)
- Violence (rubber bullets, Beanbags)
- Language "Why are you doing this?"
Next Steps
- Thinking about our parents / older generations
- Historical Amnesia
Moving Out of the Oppression
- Build support groups
- Put plans into action
- Have confident to the elders
- Lobby to establish non-ageist police on housing, health care, employment
- Organize with other elder to take leadership
Youth and Elder Oppression Voices and Next Steps
- Often feel and act inadequate
- Act as we believed the stereotypes
- Flattered to be thought younger
- Denying old age leads to ignoring, overlooking, minimizing old age oppression.
- Ageism is a problem
- Both youth discrimination and elder discrimination negatively impact almost everyone
- As a society, we must try to help those who face age oppression