Antigone Characters
father, who previously married his mother and killed himself
father of Haemon, ruler of Thebes
mother of Haemon, wife of Creon
tells the tale where dialogue leaves off
occasionally communicates with characters
often gives predictions and speculates the opinions of the Gods
a fixture in all Ancient Greek theatre
son of Creon and Eurydice
engaged to Antigone
buries Polyneices after Creon orders not to
engaged to Haemon
The Sentry brings the news that Polyneices has been buried, and later captures Antigone.
Antigone's brother - died in battle as well, given a proper burial
Antigone's brother - died in battle against Thebes, not given a proper religious burial
Antigone's sister, urges her not to bury Polynieces , then tries to take the blame with Antigone later
Prophet who warns Creon that the gods do not approve of his treatment of Polyneices' body or the punishment of Antigone. Teiresias predicts the death of Haemon and warns that all of Greece will despise Creon if he does not relent.
Reports the suicides of Antigone and Haemon to the Chorus and Eurydice. He leaves to follow Eurydice when she runs off in grief.
Reports Eurydice's suicide to the Chorus and Creon.
Antigone commits suicide near her brothers' grave.
Haemon finds her and kills himself.
Eurydice kills herself after hearing of Haemon's (her son's) death