Visual Motor/Adaptive
Early Screening Inventory-Revised
- Student can string half inch beads on thread.
- Student can cut on line using scissors.
Available Tests
Scoring Form
- Early Screening Inventory-Preschool (ESI-P) ages 3-4.5
- Early Screening Inventory-Kindergarten (ESI-K) ages 4.5-6
Available language: English and Spanish
Uses of the Instruments of ESI
- Examiners Manual
- Toy kit (blocks, cards (forms and visual memory, toys (cars, ball, button), tape
- Score Sheets
Reliability and Validity
- Test- retest reliability
- coefficients ranged from .74 to .84
- Internal consistency = .79 (English version) .73 (Spanish version
- Validity is predictive = .72-.75
It measures three main areas:
- Visual-Motor/Adaptive (block building, drawing, copying forms)
- Language and Cognition (verbal expression and memory)
- Gross Motor (jumping, hopping and other physical coordination tasks)
Early Screening Inventory Revised
Gross Motor
- Walks downstairs alternating feet
- Makes sharp turns around corners while running
- Climbs jungle gyms and ladders
Who can administer?
- a quick assessment of a child's development (15-20minutes)
- not an intelligence test.
- It may identify a child who may need special education services to perform successful in school.
- One with knowledge and formal background in early childhood and assessment.
- People that have completed the appropriate training to perform the test.
Language and Cognition
- Imitating speech sounds
- Points to name body part
- Combining two different words
ESI-R Content
- Block building
- Copy forms
- Visual sequence memory
Language and Cognition
- Number concepts
- Verbal expressions
- Verbal reasoning
- Auditory sequential memory
Gross Motor Skills
Early Screening Inventory Revised (ESI-R)
5335 Growth Abnormalities Identification and Evaluation in Early Childhood
Dr. Charlotte Fontenot
Fall 2014
By Ingrid Galvez and Pamela Wellen