Magnetic Domain Theory:
How matter becomes magnetized
Can a magnet be broken into pieces?
- two new magnets (or more!)
- each new magnet will have 2 new poles
- every magnet consists of tiny magnets lined up end to end or pole to pole
- where the magnet breaks, it will simply separate between two poles
- the DOMAINS in the magnet allow this to happen
Well, what is a Domain ?
A magnetic domain is region in which the magnetic fields of atoms are grouped together and aligned. You can think of magnetic domains as miniature magnets within a material. In an unmagnetized object all the magnetic domains are pointing in different directions. But, when metal becomes magnetized, which is what happens when it is rubbed with a strong magnet, all like magnetic poles line up and point in the same direction. ndt
Now we need to go back and review
a picture of the atom
electron orbits and rotations
- the electrons orbit the nucleus
- they spin on their own axis while orbitting around the nucleus, much like the earth rotating around the sun
The spinning nature of the electrons
induces a mini magnetic field, and the cause is still...