Intrapersonal Intelligence
The theory of Multiple Intelligences was developed by the American psychologist Howard Gardner. Gardner proposed the human life requires the development of various tupes of intelligence.
- Prefers working alone to working with others.
- Has a good sence of self-direction.
- Has a realistic sence of his/her strengths and weakness.
- Accurately expresses how he/she is feeling.
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
- Has a good memory for names, places, dates.
- Enjoys word games.
- Communicates to others in a highly verbal ways.
- Has a good vocabulary for his/her age.
According to the theory, there are 8 types of intelligences:
Naturalistic Intelligence
- Likes to collect, classify, or read about things from nature.
- May be able to categorize or catalog things easily.
- Has a strong affinity to the out side world, to be beauty in nature, or to animals.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Reads maps, charts and diagrams more easily than text.
- Enjoys art activities.
- Draws figures and pictures that are advenced for his/her age.
- Likes to view movies, slides, or other visual presentations.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Musical Intelligence
- Remembers the melody of songs.
- Has a good singing voice.
- Plays an instrument or singin a choir or other musical group.
- Excels in one or more sports.
- Has dramatic way of expressing him/her self.
- Enjoys jumping, wrestling or similar activities.
Interpersonal Intelligence
- Seems to be a natural lider.
- Seems to be smart.
- Has two or more close friends.
- Likes to play games with other kids.
- Enjoys teaching other kids.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
- Enjoys challenges of math class.
- Finds math games and math computer games interesting.
- Asks a lot of question about how things work.