Reading Culture and Social Change
Ahimbisibwe Dan - Head Librarian
Population of Uganda
Kitengesa Community Library:
Reading Culture and Social Change
Republic of Uganda
Sociology 435 - Participatory Development: Theory and Practice in International Development
- Located in east-central Africa
- Six credit course: Pre-departure seminars
Reflective Observation
Abstract Conceptualization
Kolb's Model of
Experiential Learning
Republic of Uganda
- British Colonialism brought diverse population into a single entity
The three of us (Ellen, Kristi & Amika) with our host parents, Dan and Ameila.
Education in Uganda
Primary and Secondary School Enrollment Rate
Economy of Uganda
Reading Culture
What is a reading culture?
- Government strategy to eradicate poverty
- Universal Primary Education (UPE) policy, 1997
- Pressure to meet UN Millennium Development Goal on education
- Repercussions of UPE policy implementation
1986 - : Structural reform -> Increase in GDP
But... since 2006, decline in GDP
- insecurity in Northern Uganda
- It is when there is a habit of reading for enjoyment for everyday life (Jönsson & Olsson, 2008)
Primary Reading Program
Reading Culture
Youth Leadership Program
Reading Culture
Vicious Circle
Why is it difficult to establish?
1. Viewing reading as a part of school culture
2. Oral tradition contradicts the idea of reading
3. Lack of relevant reading materials
- Comprised of secondary school students
- Weekly meeting to discuss relevant topics
(nutrition, malaria, HIV/AIDS, farming etc.)
- Created to help disseminate information to the community
- Develop leadership skills and research skills
1. Silent reading
2. Students read aloud to each other
3. Reading aloud with Luganda translator
4. Comprehension questions
How can we establish?
- Reading as an enjoyable practice
- Incorporation of the oral tradition
Why is it important?
To get the benefits of reading:
- Development of literacy
- Personal growth
- Socioeconomic development
How can we establish reading culture?
Planting seeds
Theory Practice
Rose's Lesson
The Community's Impact on Us
Lingering Questions About our Impact
Our Largest Impact on the Community
Lingering Questions About our Impact
- Richness of culture
- Organic community
- Greater understanding of theoretical concepts
"What colour is your English?" by Gillian Creese
Thank you
Sustainability and maintaining partnerships
Kristi Choi, Amika Matsui and Ellen Wiltsie-Brown