Thank you for your attention!
Working in a larger project
Doing a projectplan
Familiarised to Sibelco Nordic, Nilsiä
Environmental Legislation in Finland
Industiral process components
What did we learn?
Project goals:
- get to know the company
- get to familiarised to the processes
- integrate the knowledge of courses
- Environmental Legislation
- Industrial Processes
- in the end have a well-done project report
The Company
Our project for:
-the leading producer of sand and industrial minerals in the Nordic countries-
- part of the Sibelco Group that was founded in 1872
- today operating 228 production sites in 41 countries with a team of over 10,000 people
- Locations: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Poland
Nilsiä Silica sand
Kristiinankaupunki Feldspar
Nakkila Blasting grit
Säkylä Silica sand
Kimito Silica sand, feldspar
19 employee
Plant Manager Jukka Vehviläinen
Product: Silica Sand
Henriikka Mäki, Noora Mielikäinen, Antti Harju, Juuso Laitinen and Fenia Niemitz
The Process: