Main objective was to create public schools were children could adquire a strong base of knowledge.
- Helped develop the moral, social, and economic interests of the nation
- Students grouped by age and educational levels (grades)
- Transition to compulsory education
- African Americans not accepted in schools 1860
- Elementary well trained teachers (mostly women; men interested in ministry)
2. "Improve economic, political and social conflict by producing competent and reliable workers".
- Educating children in a more professional environment
"The common school provided an equal opportunity that would have lasting effect on the individual state".
- Subjects = math, English, science, other languages etc.
- Books and boards. Infrastructure and technology development
- Teachers specialize on 1 thing so good teaching techniques and wide knowledge
- Subjects = math & reading
- Poor teaching conditions
- No text books, boards
- 1 teacher for several grades so basic knowledge
Free education
3. Not everyone was educated before these free schools started
1. States and local governments taxed the citizens directly to raise revenue for public schooling
- 1769 - Mass Education Act
- Towns were required to have at least 1 elementary if there were 200 families or more living in the same area.
- 1806 - They began to create separate schools for African Americans
- 1830 - George Henry Lewes wrote an essay saying how everyone should access to free education.
- 1839 - First school for teachers is established
- 1845 - Famine, immigrants, more schools build
- 1848 - Taxes started supporting schools
- A reform movement that introduced a new educational system during the 1800's.
- They publicly supported the various elementary and secondary schools.
- Parents began to allow schools to take over their children's education.
- The belief that these schools could and should exist for all children, regardless of social class, gender, religion, ethnicity, or country of origin.
Charter Schooling & founding
"publically funded, privately run"
Common Schools 1820-1860
- have to meet federal laws of equal rights, access, and discrimination
- families select who runs the school
- states increase founds for charter schools
- US Department of Education provided $4 billion
Horace Mann
Known as the father of education
Starting point
The video shows what he
- Achieved
- Believed
- Principles
- 2 years institutions to educate teachers
- Provide training for teachers
- Develop new teaching skills
Blanca Matas & Tatiana Trascasa