Western Influence in
Western influence in
- Boer war fought with guerrilla fighting, later won by the British
- Angry sepoys revolted against officers & brutally massacred British locals
- British later suppressed revolt
- African 'elite' emerges, rejecting traditional African cultures and educated in Western ways
- Rom Mohum Roy prompts reform by combining traditional indian ways with western culture
- in both situations, the british highly valued the African and Indian continents for their natural resources, such as gold, diamonds, and rubber in Africa, and jute, coal, and cotton in India
- On both continents, there was discontent among the locals because the British did not treat them with respect, for example the Boer War in Africa, and the Sepoy revolt in India
- Also on both continents, the british deforested massive plots of land, in Africa for rubber trees, and in India for cash crop plots
- Laborers forced to work for almost no pay, also mutilated and beaten by their overseers
- Sepoys were arrested after refusing to bite open gunpowder packets greased with cow & pig fat
- Leopold and the rich, not the African people, were benefiting from his exploitation of the continent
- only the rich & upper class Britons only benefited of the exploitation of India's resources
- Westerners saw the Africans with a paternal standpoint, as if they were children in need of guidance
- During British imperialism, indians were not able to unite due to vast culture diversity