- He was one of the offspring of the titans Rhea and Cronus. Cronus was very fearful that one of his children would over through him, so he swallowed them. Everyone exept for his last child Zeus. Rhea got furious, so she told Zeus that she would make a decoy and when Cronus would swallow it then to Attack. When Cronus had regurgitated the others Zeus then found out that he had siblings. There names were Demeter (Ceres), Hedes (Pluto), Hestia (Vesta), Hera (Juno), and Poseidon (Neptune).
Important facts
interesting fun facts on the Greek God Zeus
By yours truly Ryan Sharrow
You have finally made it to the top of Mount Olimpus.
I hope that you all enjoyed my presentation.
story time:
- Io was an Argive princess and the daughter of Inachus, an ancient hero or river god of Argos. Inachus did not want his daughter to get married. He had kept her in a dungon cell where she couldn't fall in love. Then when Zeus saw what Inachus was doing with his child he had to do somethng about it. So what he mannaged to do was make it rain gold to distract the ancient hero. After Inachus was distraced Zeus made a plan to go to Io's cell and make her happy. She soon fell in love with him.
- Zeus had placed all of the constellations, since he is the god of the sky. He placed the constellation Aquarius, which means water carrier, to honor the service of Ganymede, the ram constellation Aries, in gratitude for the ram and its golden fleece, Cancer the Crab to honor Hercules victories, Capricorn to honor Amalthea and the sea nymphs, Dolphinos to commemorate the many times dolphins helped save lives, Draco for being faithful in guarding the caves, Gemini( the twins) to commemerate the help they gave sailors and Hercules for all his mighty acts. These are only some of the constellations Zues placed in the sky.
- He is the God of the sky.
- His future wife was his sister Hera.
- He has 13 children which are Ares, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, Hermes, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Heracles, Hephaestus, Minos, Perseus, and Persephone.
- He is more powerful than any of the gods and goddesses combined (quite possibly the most powerful one that ever was).
- Zeus is ruler of Heaven and Earth.
- He was called "The father of all gods".
- He was considered to be an Olympian god.
This is where our journey to the top of Mount Olimpus begins, have fun!