- A wide spectra of SiH4/CH4/H2 gas mixtures was used to grow diamond, SiC and Si materials;
- Low Si contents (less than 0.7% Si/C) leads to formation of SiV centers. Integration coefficent was found to be (1.1±0.5)·10^-3;
- Higher Si contents leads to formation of nano- and microcrystalline 3C-SiC.
- Composite Diamond-SiC materials were synthesized.
CVD diamond growth in a microwave plasma with elevated SiH4 content: from SiV centers to SiC and Si phases formation
(1) General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow 119991, Russia;
(2) National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow 115409, Russia;
(3) Harbin Institute of Technology, 92 Xidazhi Str., Harbin 150001, P.R. China;
(4) Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS, Moscow 125009, Russia;
(5) Belarusian State University, Minsk 220030, Republic of Belarus.
Low concentrations of SiH4
0% - 1%
Moderate concentrations 0.1 - 0.5 SiH4/CH4
- Microcrystalline
- (grain size 500 nm)
(grain size 70 nm)
Above 0.5 SiH4/CH4
Pure SiH4 (no CH4)
Integrated SiV PL intensity (triangles) and concentration of silicon [Si] (circles) in Si-doped SC diamond films
PL spectra for Si-doped epitaxial diamond films
(the percentage [SiH4/CH4] varied from zero to 0.7%)
Raman and PL studies of Microcrtalline films
Raman and PL studies of Nanocrtalline films
SEM images of "1000 nm"-thick nanocrystalline (a) and microcrystalline diamond films
SiV distribution in an epitaxial film
Raman spectra of
CVD-grown SiC film
Silicon Carbide film on Si (100), grown in
H2-CH4-SiH4 gas mixture
Si concentration in pits (SIMS)
PL SiV integrated intensity in pits along the diagonal over the sample
The map of pits etched in the course of SIMS measurements
Synthesis of DIamond/SiC composite
Co-Deposition of SiC and Diamond
Integration coefficient:
f = [Si/C]dia/[Si/C]gas = (1.1±0.5)·10^-3
SEM of Si crystals on diamond
Diamond crystals in SiC enviroment
Cross-section of SiC/Diamond composite
on Si (100) substrate
Raman spectra of Si crystals on diamond
Nanocrystalline 3C-SiC (nc-SiC)
Pure CH4 (no SiH4)
Layered SiC-Diamond structures
Substrates used for 3C-SiC deposition:
XRD spectra of NC-SiC
Highly (100)-oriented
Crysllite size of 35 nm
Surface of nc-SiC on diamond after Si substrate removal
- Si (100) and (111)
- AlN (polycrystallne)
- Ge (100)
- GaN (100)
- Single-crystalline diamond
SiC-Diamond layered structure
Diamond seed in SiC enviroment
(initial seed size 50 nm)
Zone of interest:
0 - 0.5 of SiH4/CH4
PL spectra of Si-free epitaxial diamond
High-quality low-impurities CVD diamonds
Condition: no Si present in CVD reactor or on the chamber walls
Silicon in diamond
Silicon Carbide formation
Single Color Centers
Polycrystalline SiC film*
*Zhuang, Hao, and Xin Jiang. "Growth controlling of diamond and β-SiC microcrystals in the diamond/β-SiC composite films." Surface and Coatings Technology 249 (2014): 84-89.
MPCVD growth (ARDIS-100*)
Characterization of the samples
*Commercially available at
Diamond syntesis:
- MW power: 2.0-3.5 kW
- Pressures: 60-80 Torr
- Gas flow: 100 - 500 sccm
- CH4-H2 ratio: 0.5% - 10%
- Temperature: 600 - 850 °C
- Time 10 minutes: - 50 hours
- Raman spectroscopy
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Photoluminescence measurements
- X-ray Diffraction
- Secondary ion mass spectrometry
- etc.
Thickness - 1-200 μm
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