The 12 Procedures of Hercules, a 5th Grade Hero
The Final Labors of Hercules Before He Became a Hero on Olympus
Hercules Went to Mass and to Lunch, and Made a Mistake BOTH Times
Hercules Defeats the Hydra of Distraction & Switches Classes
- Hercules lined up to go to mass and to lunch in the classroom, then he followed the teacher into the hallway
- He didn't walk, he ran; he didn't walk quietly, he chatted with friends in a group; he touched the walls; he didn't watch where he was going; and, he made a big space in his line.
- It was very difficult for the teacher to make sure no one had been left behind. She was very disappointed, but then she had an idea, "Try again, please" she said.
- Hercules returned to the class, touched his desk, and walking, rejoined the group.
- The teacher demanded two more labors from Hercules, since she didn't count Going to Lunch and Going to Mass as properly done. (Remember the Hydra of Distraction?)
- Hercules had to pack his back pack and clean up around his desk. The teacher only gave him 5 minutes, and the clock was ticking. TICK-TOCK! Surely this task was impossible! But, not for Hercules...
- Hercules started with his Appointment Book (AB). He put it on his desk and checked it against the assignments written on the board. He wrote the assignments down on the DAY THEY WERE DUE, and he wrote a guessed TIME TO COMPLETE note next to each assignment.
- Then he went class by class and put the books and notebooks he would need in his backpack. Next, he put his lunch box in his backpack. Finally, he packed his AB.
- He picked up ALL the trash, whether it was his or not, within 3 feet of his desk. He pushed in his chair and stood behind his desk.
- The teacher prayed and dismissed the class, but Hercules ran when he was dismissed. He was so excited to get to Olympus. Fortunately, he realized his mistake in running; he returned to the class and touched his desk and exited the class walking.
- The teacher responded, "Good job, Hercules. Keep at it. You know, it took the real Hercules 8 years to get the supplies from Cerberus. If you keep at it, you may be a 5th grade hero in just one year. I have faith in you, Hercules."
Cerberus, Guardian of Supplies
The Hungry Boar: How To Get Ready For Lunch
- A giant hydra (a snake with many heads) tried to distract Hercules, but he stayed focused and defeated it!
- Like weapons, he put all the books he would need in his clothe bag, then...
- He stood up behind his desk and pushed in his chair. he waited quietly for the teacher to dismiss him.
- He lined up in the hallway, where his teacher asked him to and he didn't touch any of his friends.
- The hydra tried to distract him at every step, but he stayed focused and in the end, he dipped his pencil into the poison of the hydra.
- The teacher invited him into the classroom, where he entered quietly.
- Hercules turned in his homework and went back to his desk where he waited for further instruction.
- The teacher asked Hercules to go to the cabinet in the Underworld and get some class supplies.
- But a vicious beast called Cerberus guarded the supplies and all the books in the class library. Cerberus had three heads of wild dogs, a serpent for a tail, and heads of snakes all over his back.
- Cerberus had two conditions for using class supplies:
- Hercules had to sign books out of the class library on the library log
- Hercules had to return class supplies in as good, or better condition than when he borrowed them
- Hercules thought he was doing a good job, but one day he returned a pencil to the community pencil jar and he forgot to sharpen it before he returned it.
- Cerberus started barking at him with all of his three dog heads! But, Hercules quickly sharpened the pencil and returned it to the jar. Lucky for Hercules, he didn't chew on the pencil or bite off the eraser; he would have had to throw the pencil away, and Cerberus would miss his supplies.
- A hungry boar was making it difficult for Hercules to focus on his lunchtime procedure, but he defeated it because he wanted to be a hero.
- As if he were collecting weapons, he put all the supplies he was going to need in the afternoon in his clothe bag and left the bag next to his desk.
- He picked up all the trash within 3 feet of his desk and threw it away.
- Then he got his lunch box/lunch card and waited behind his desk to pray and be dismissed.
- But remember, Hercules made a mistake walking to the cafeteria, and the teacher made him "try again".
Hercules Uses the Golden Rule to Impress the Teacher's Messengers
How Hercules Battled 3 Assignments, Some With 3 Heads
Hercules Attacked the Day Like a Nemean Lion!
How to Turn in Homework
- Geryon was a project that Hercules was working on for several days. He kept it in the front pocket of that section of his notebook.
- He didn't turn it in early because he knew it would get lost. On the day that it was due, he checked that his header was on it; then, he turned it into the box.
When Homework is Late
- Hercules was so busy with his Geryon assignment that he forgot about his other assignment, called Orthus.
- His teacher asked him to sign the late homework log, and to staple a late homework slip to his homework.
- He took the homework home and finished it THAT NIGHT, and his parents SIGNED the late homework slip. The next day he turned it in, but he could only get 80% max credit for it, even if it was all correct. What's important is that eventually Hercules completed his Orthus homework and he was stronger and smarter because of it.
- Gabriel and Gabriela are two student lunch monitors that were assigned to clean the tables. The teacher asked them to serve as MESSENGERS and report back to her about their classmates.
- Hercules sat in his seat and didn't move around the lunch room, he cleaned up his area, and he walked to recess. The student lunch monitors liked that they didn't have to clean up after Hercules and they told the teacher all about it.
- The teacher rewarded Hercules after lunch, saying, "You're going to be a 5th grade hero in Olympus before you know it!"
When You Finish Early
- Eurytion was another homework assignment that Hercules easily completed in class. He put it in the correct folder in his binder.
- Hercules knew his friends were working on "defeating" their own three-headed assignments, and like a good friend, he didn't want to bother them.
- Hercules escaped the temptation to bother his friends by reading a leveled reader and answering questions about it in his reading log, writing or illustrating a story using his vocabulary words, or catching up on homework from other classes.
- Hercules entered the room walking, he put away his backpack & lunch.
- He sharpened two pencils and he turned in his homework.
- Then he put all the books he would need for his morning classes into his clothe bag.
- He sat at his desk and worked on bell work when suddenly...
- The teacher rang a bell and raised her hand. She counted down from 5, and when she got to number 1, Hercules put everything aside and gave his 100% attention to the teacher.
Hercules & Centaur Need to Leave Their Seats
- One day, an alarm started going off and the teacher said there was a fire.
- The students lined up in the classroom and the teacher counted everyone. Then she led everyone out into the hallway. They all stayed together and followed the hallway procedure. They followed the teacher all the way out to the parking lot
- The teacher counted to make sure everyone was there, and then they waited quietly so they could hear the next instruction.
- Another day, an alarm started going off and the teacher said it was a lock down.
- The students sat with their heads down, under the cubbies or under their desks. They were extremely silent. The teacher shut and locked the door.
- Someone knocked on the door to scare them, and Hercules was afraid that someone would be startled and yell-out. Luckily, everyone stayed extremely silent, and soon the lock-down was over.
- Hercules had to wash his hands and go to the bathroom, he also needed some water. He raised his hand, but the teacher was teaching the whole class, and she asked him to wait until she was done.
- When she was done teaching, he raised his hand again. The teacher said, "sign the log, and take the pass. Come back in 3 minutes."
- Hercules' side kick, a centaur who followed him everywhere, asked if he could go, too. But, the teacher said, "No. Only one hero and one heroine at a time can leave the class to go to the water fountain or the bathroom."
- Centaur started to cry and the teacher said, "You can get a Kleenex any time you need it, even when I'm teaching the whole class. But, you have to wait to throw it away until I'm done teaching. "
- The centaur, had great aim and tried to throw the Kleenex into the trash can like a basketball. He made it! But the teacher said, "Centaur, please try again." The centaur had to pick the trash up out of the trash can, and place it into the trash can. Ewwww!!!!
- When Hercules returned Centuar asked for permission to go and wash his hands. He signed the log and got the pass, and left. He came back in 3 minutes.
Hercules Conquers His Homework on Monstrous Minotaurs
Why Did Hercules Have 12 Procedures?
- Hercules had a dream that he learned so much in the 5th grade that he became a 5th grade hero and a leader of his class! He was popular and everyone wanted to be his friend.
- When he awoke, he realized it was a dream, and he became angry and frustrated. He let his anger control him and he threw his school supplies across the room. Finally, he gained control of himself and he asked his teacher what he could do.
- The teacher gave him 12 labors, or procedures and told him that if he completed them all he would become a 5th grade hero, just like the Gods of Olympus.
- Hercules understood the monstrous part of his homework, but he really struggled with the Minotaur part.
- He didn't understand the teacher's lecture either, so he asked for the help of a student mentor whose name was already on the board under 'Student Mentors'.
- The student mentor helped Hercules understand Minotaurs, and how they were connected to monsters.
- But Hercules still had one more question. He raised his hand for the teacher. She came and helped him; then, she checked his work and said, "Great! Turn in your homework. You are so close to being a hero, now YOU can be a Student Mentor, too." And Hercules added his name to the list of students on the board under 'Student Mentor'.
Hercules, the Student Mentor,
Helps A Classmate
Hercules Uses Team Work
- The teacher checked Hercules' classwork on horses and told him to be a Student Mentor.
- Hercules wrote his name on the board under the sign, "Student Mentors" and read silently at his seat.
- Soon, Abderus came to Hercules' desk and asked him for help.
- Hercules went back to Abderus' desk and asked Abderus to tell him what he understood, so far, and what he wasn't sure about. They had to use very quite voices.
- Abderus didn't quite get it and Hercules wanted to laugh, but that would be considered bullying, so Hercules decided to do something else.
- Hercules liked to work alone because he wanted all the glory for himself. But Athena, the principal of the school, knew that no one becomes a hero on his own. So the teacher asked the students to work in groups.
- Each of the students was assigned a job. And everyone had to do their personal best. At the end, each student had to be able to say one thing that their team mates did well, and one thing they could improve upon.
- Hercules disagreed with one of his classmates and they started shouting at each other, like vicious man-eating birds!
- The teacher gave the group 4 cymbals, whose ring scared away the man-eating birds. Each of the cymbals had a clue to fighting of the birds. They said:
- Take turns speaking; break into the conversation when the other person pauses, and give others a chance to speak.
- Repeat your understanding of the other person's argument, then
- Provide evidence to support your way of thinking.
- Be respectful of others opinions: sometimes you just can't convince people, and that's okay.
Steps to Mentoring a Classmate
Step 1: "Let me show you how I would do it." said Hercules, and as he showed him, he talked about why he did it like that.
Step 2: "Okay, Abderus. Your turn." Abderus did it by himself, but Hercules gave him directions verbally.
Step 3: Hercules let Abderus do it on his own this time. And, Abderus had to explain to Hercules why he was doing it that way.