Discerning the Context
Identifying Ideas for the Program:
Malcolm Knowles' Theory of Andragogy:
Program planners need to be aware of the context in which the program they are planning exists
(Caffarella & Daffron, 2013).
- Adults need to know why they need to learn something
- Adults need to learn experientially
- Adults approach learning as problem-solving
- Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value (Culatta, 2013, p. 1).
- Cohort 3 student survey results
90% Agreed or Strongly Agreed 56% Greater than 1 year
96% Increase networks 48% Preferred monthly
83% Expand employee skill development mentor meetings
39% Socialization
- Access to information
- Program enhancement opportunity
- We are students in program
- Opportunity to recruit others
- Student marketing
- Buy-in from leadership
- Administrative approval
- Recruiting mentors (lack)
- Student interest survey
- Access to leadership in Wingate
- New students in doctoral program
- Lack of knowledge
- Fear of students
- Costs
- Time Requirement
- Prioritizing ideas within the CONTEXT of the University, Community Colleges and Doctoral Students, and ...
Wingate Executive Mentoring Program Student Survey Questions
Please answer the following:
1. I would like to participate in a mentor program that pairs me with an educational professional.
____Strongly agree
____Strongly disagree
2. What goals should the mentoring program focus on addressing? (please select all that apply)
____employee skill development
____increasing networks
____Other (please specify) ________________________________
3. How long should the mentoring relationship last?
____One semester
____Two semesters
____One year
____Two years
____Three years
____Other (please specify) _________________________________
4. How often should mentors and protégés be required to meet?
____Other (please specify) _________________________________
Identifying and Prioritizing Ideas and Needs
Program ideas and needs surface from a number of sources-people, responsibilities and tasks of adult
life, organizations, and communities and
society in general-and are generated in numerous ways (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013).
Goals and Objectives
Selecting the Key Players in Program Planning:
University representatives
Doctoral Program Instructors
Community College Executive Leaders
Cohort students
Mentoring Sessions
One-on-One Meetings
Google Hangouts
Program Goal: To pair students enrolled in the Wingate Community College Executive Leadership Doctoral Program with qualified community college leaders in a formal Mentoring Program to increase their potential for becoming effective leaders.
Objective: Enrollees completing the mentoring program will increase their overall leadership skills through direct interaction with community college leaders.
Metric: Students and mentors in the mentoring program will be surveyed, before beginning and after completing the mentoring program, utilizing a student and mentor satisfaction survey.
Phone Conversation
Training Sessions
In-Class Session
Possible Webinar
Introduction to Mentoring
Mentoring: a nurturing process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches, sponsors, encourages, counsels, and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the purpose of promoting the latter’s professional and/or personal development
Anderson & Shannon
Began with an idea!
SWOT Analysis
Transfer of Learning
Extensive Research
Who would support the program?
Who would it benefit?
Income for 2015-16
Student Funding: Budget:
Fall 2015 – $250 Student Fee for 28 students $7,000
Spring 2016 – $250 Student Fee for 28 students $7,000
Summer 2016 – $250 Student Fee for 28 students $7,000
Total Income: $21,000
Expenses for 2015-16
Category Name: Budget:
Course Release Time for Ed.D. Program Coordinator (Fall) $5,000
Course Release Time for Ed.D. Program Coordinator (Spring) $5,000
Course Release Time for Ed.D. Program Coordinator (Summer) $5,000
Printing Expenses $500
Mentor Training Sessions $500
Mentor Recruitment Travel Expenses $2,400
Contingency Funds $2,600
Total Expenses: $21,000
The effective application by program participants of what they learned as a result of attending the program (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013).
Basis of
Who is your Community?
Doctoral students in Wingate University Doctorate of Education, Community College Executive Leadership Program
- Higher education professionals with a passion for personal and professional growth
"So what?" and "Now what?" Phase
Who is going to support this program?
Wingate University Leadership
- Program will assist Wingate University in achieving desired results and adapting to change (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013)
- Program will providing Wingate University opportunities to examine and foster community and societal change (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013)
Program Objective "To increase their overall leadership skills":
North Carolina Community College Senior Leadership
- Serving as mentors
- Future Leaders
- Student satisfaction survey as a metric (before and after)
- Leadership pre- and post-assessment tool.
Mentorship with Executive Leaders:
- Provide opportunities for the students to shadow, discuss and research
- Attain the knowledge and experience to fulfill the roles and responsibilities as leaders
Wingate University
Executive Mentoring Program