Il tuo nuovo assistente di presentazione.
Perfeziona, migliora e personalizza i tuoi contenuti, trova immagini pertinenti e modifica le immagini più velocemente che mai.
Ricerche popolari
*Team members work together enthusiastically and optimistically to foster team spirit.
* New ideas from followers are accepted and encouraged.
* Team members all have common goals.
* Followers are empowered to make decisions and are always provided support.
(Riggio, 2009)
Why Transformational Leadership Works
Transformational Leaders
Leadership Styles
*Focuses on team building
*Motivates others
*Emphasizes teamwork
*Demonstrates concern for others.
(Rigggio, 2009)
Transactional Leaders
*Focuses on organization
*Motivates by rewards and punishments
*Monitors work done
*Tasks are measurable
(Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
*Monitor group dynamics
*Stick to deadlines
*Desire efficiency and effectiveness
*Evaluate performance
*Use existing boundaries
*Are result driven
*Give rewards and feedback
(Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
Uses two factors to influence employees:
1. Reward- used to influence employees to perform better.
2. Punishment- if employee does not finish task correctly, the leader
will possibly impose a punishment.
(Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
Why Transactional Leadership Works
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*When employees meet the leader’s expectations, they receive a reward.
*The leader recognizes them and provides feedback that enables the employees to change and improve their performance.
*They feel supported in their work and this provides a positive stimulus to finalize their work
(Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
*Builds expectations
*Inspires the team
*Vision is communicated
*Motivates employees
*Future Conscious
(Riggio, 2009)
*Suited for routine task that are measurable
*Rewards provide extra stimulus
*When there are measurable end results, employee performance and job satisfaction
is high
(Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
Working within the Team
The relationship between the leader
and employees is typically
business like.
Transactional Leaders
Transactional leadership uses the exchange principle.
In exchange for good work within the agreed time, the employee is given a reward. (Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
Conforms to Existing Structures
They have full control and monitor
work closely and take action when
things go wrong.
Transactional leadership, is a leadership style where leaders are focused on the task that has to be completed.
(Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013)
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Often the quiet leaders. They lead by example. They possess courage, confidence, and willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good. (Riggio, 2009)
Transformational Leaders in Education
Transformational leaders work within a team. They support and encourage participation.
The principal shares leadership tasks by forming teams that have similar needs and interest. They implement new policy and curriculum changes through motivation and commitment. They encourage stakeholders to collaborate to create a vision for the school. They motivate staff by identifying their strengthens and use them in ways that bring success to all by focusing on those strengths.
Transactional Leaders in Education
Famous Transactional
*Dwight Eisenhower
*George H.W. Bush
*Norman Schwarzkopf
*James Madison
Riggo, Ronald. (2009). Are you a transformationla leader. Psychology Today. Retrieved from:
The principal is responsible for curriculum and directing its implementation. They oversee the teachers and evaluate them using the T-TESS. They give teachers feedback on specific goals and achievements. They plan, allocate resources, and manage all aspects of the school. They analyze data and achieve academic goals.
The leader inspires others to find better ways of achieving a goal. They are good at conflict resolution.
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