By: Aqsa Shabbir
Prophet Lut (A) was a descendent of prophet Ibrahim (A). Prophet Lut (A) was born 1861B.C.E. He lived for 175 years. He was the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim (A). Prophet Ibrahim left UR, Lut (A) accompanied his uncle in the journey. They finally settled in Kin'an.
So We saved him and his family, except for his wife; she was of those who remained [with the evildoers].
Prophet Lut's father was named Haran, his mother's name is unknown. Ibrahim (A) was his uncle. After Prophet Lut's father died Ibrahim (A) took care of him. They lived in UR, Mesopotamia then moved to Kin'an.
Their city is located Norht of the Red Sea. The sin they have commited is being homosexual or gay. It says in Surat Al-Araf 80-82 "We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.”
And his people gave no answer but this: they said, “Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!”
Allah (swt) destroyed them for not listening to Lut(a). He sent down a violent tornado with showers of stones.
Prophet Lut (A) was mentioned in Hud, Al-Hijir, An-Nahl, Asy- Syuara, An-Naml, Al-Ankabut, Al- Qamar, Al-Anbiya, and As-Safaat.
Then Allah told the angels that were at Prophet Ibrahim’s house at that time to go to Prophet Lut.
Prophet Lut’s daughter was the first to get a glimpse of them and she was amazed at how good-looking they were. They told her they wanted to meet Prophet Lut and so she brought her father to the angels.
Without knowing they were angels, Prophet Lut tried to tell them not to stay here because of the situation of the city, but the angels requested and so Prophet Lut waited until night fall and then brought then to his home.
When Prophet Lut’s wife got a glimpse of the angels, she rushed out of the house and told everyone about them.
Then almost everyone in the city was at Prophet Lut’s house banging on the doors to let them in.
Prophet Lut was very frightened and told them to fear Allah’s punishment and go, but the people just laughed and broke down the door.
He was sent to the people of Sodom. They were the first ones to commit a major sin. Allah (swt) chose Lut (A) to become a prophet and tell everyone what they are doing is wrong and should believe in Allah (swt) alone. He said, “Will you not fear Allah and obey Him? Verily! I am a trustworthy Messenger to you. So fear Allah and obey me” (Quran 26:161 - 163).
Once, Lut (AS) went with his uncle Ibrahim (AS) to the city of Sadum. Evil filled the people of this city for they stole, killed other travelers, and the inhabitants were gay. His wife was among these wrongdoers. Lut (AS) had preached to them, but no one listened. They kept on commiting their crimes unshamefully. He had taught his family, and all of them listened except his wife. His heart sunk, for he his people had no hope. Even at home, he could not find rest. Once, when Lut (AS) was preaching, they threatened to drive him out of the city.
They even doubted him and told him to bring Allah (SWT)'s punishment upon them. Lut(AS) had then made dua'aa to Allah (SWT) to make him victorius. Once, there were guests that waited outside the gate. Lut (AS)'s daughter saw them and told them to stay there until she had informed her father. Lut(AS) then came to the gate and tried to warn his guests about the people without shaming himself in the process. Then, he told them to stay outside until nightfall so that no one would see them. As they approached the house, Lut(AS)'s wife saw them and told the inhabitants of the town. They then rushed to his house with excitement. Also when they arrived, When they arrived, his wife showed her doubt towards Allah (SWT) by saying: "If I would bear a child now, that would be a miracle seeing that I am an old woman, and my husband here is an old man." After hearing this the angels, disguised as men, replied: "Do you doubt the power of Allah (SWT)." She then laughed and greeted them. The men had soon reached Lut(AS) household. They had knocked down the door. Even though Lut(AS) felt so weak at this time, he kept on trying to keep the guests safe, for the men attempted to snatch them away. "Prophet Lut(AS) then said: "Is there of you a right-minded man?"The angels told Lut(AS), "We are angels, these people will not hurt you. They were blinded by Allah(SWT) and wandered in their intoxication and his guests (the angels) were saved. Allah(SWT) then said: "We will save Lut(AS) and his family, except his wife. She is of those who lag behind." Before sunrise Allah(SWT) flipped, "their land upside down and rained on them brimstone as hard as baked clay."
LUT (pbuh)
Beginning Points On Prophet Lut (A)
OF ALLAH (swt)
Prominent References
7. Surah Al-Ankabut Ayah 32
[Ibrahim(AS)] said: "But there is Lut(AS) there." They said: "Well, do we know who is there : We will certainly save him and his family, except his wife: She is one of those who lag behind."
People of Sodom
Prominent References
10.Surah Al-Hijr Ayah 74
And We turned the cities upside down, and rained on them brimstones hard as baked clay.
Gays Today
Prophet Lut
4: Surat Hud Ayat 78:
And his(A) people came rushing towards him, and they had been long in the habit of practicing abominations. He(A) said: "O my people! Here are my daughters: they are purer for you (if you marry)! Now fear Allah (SWT), and cover me not with shame about my guests! Is there not among you a single-minded man?"
Unfortunately, on June 28, 2015 the Supreme Court legalized gay mariage in the United States. This resulted in many "pride parades" around the world inlcuding one in Turkey and Pakistan. Lets not forget that both of these countries have a 99% Muslim population. As an ummah, it is very important that we drive away from these evils brought by shaytan. Please share this message and story of Prophet Lut (as) to fellow muslims as something to learn from. My hafiz, mufti muhammad sajid even named this as a nishani for qiyammat vara din, Please get your phones out and get on Facebook. There is a picture that i have been waiting to post for weeks that i will like you to 'like' and even better 'comment' on in support. Please share this. Thanks!!! ~AQSA F. SHABBIR
Quran and Prophet Lut (A)
Prominent References
8.Surah Al-Anbiya Ayah 74
And to Lut(AS), too, we gave Judgement and Knowledge, and We saved him from the town which practiced abominations: truly they were a people given to Evil, a rebellious people.
The Punishment...
The Punishment…
Prophet Lut became very angry but the angels said: "Do not be anxious or frightened, Lot for we are angels, and these people will not harm you.“
The people then became frightened and ran away.
The angels then warned Prophet Lut to leave his house before sunrise and take his family with him except for his wife. They told him that Allah had a punishment in place for them.
The punishment was that Allah had hit the city with a mighty earthquake.
A storm of stones rained on the city.
It was as if the city had been lifted and flung down in one jolt.
Prophet Lut and his family was saved and the people of Sodom and Prophet Lut’s wife ere destroyed as well as the entire city.
Death of Prophet Lut (A)
Sequential History
Prophet Lut died at the age of 175. He died in Palestine & buried at Bani Naima near Hebron.
The Message to the people of Sodum
The Result
Because of how much they were so deeply sunk in their habits, they refused to listen and ignored the constant warnings of Prophet Lut of a terrible punishment even though they knew deep down that he was telling the truth.
Prophet Lut’s wife was among these terrible people.
The people of Sodom threatened to drive him out of the city if he continued preaching.
However, he kept preaching, but there was no result. Only his family believed in him (except for his wife). He went through so much torture both inside his home and outside.
However, he remained patient and kept praying to Allah.
Prophet Lut was a resident of an ancient town in Mesopotamia when Allah commanded him to go to the People of Sodum which was on the western shore of the dead sea.
The People of Sodum used to indulge in evil actions such as homosexual intercourse, robberies and killings.
He told these people to stop committing bad actions like these and start following the world of Allah and follow Islam.
He reminded them again and again of the punishment of Allah.
The Punishment
The Punishment…
Years rolled by and still no one believed in Prophet Lut.
They began to challenge him: "Bring Allah's Torment upon us if you are one of the truthful!" (Ch 29:29 Quran).
Prophet Lut then prayed to Allah to grant him victory and bring the punishment to the People of Sodum.
Part II