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America's Political System
Responsibilities That American Citizens Have
Rights Americans Have
Roles Of Citizens In America
Religion In America
Freedom Of The Press In America
How America's Branches Of Government Are Run
Who Runs America's Country
America's Election Process
They have the right to bare arms, the right to equal justice, and the right to own private property.
Some responsibilities that American Citizens have are be informed and vote, participate in your community and government, respect the rights and property of others, and respect different opinions and ways of life.
Equality In America
Voting In America
America's Branches Of Government
Freedom Of Speech In America
They have a democracy. The American political system is dominated by two political parties: the democratic and the republican. They each are very old the democrat's are back in 1824 and the republicans are back in 1854. They each have different symbols, the democrats are a donkey and the republicans are a elephant.
Taxes In America
When America's Constitution Written
In America are to obey the law, pay your taxes, defend the nation, and serve in court.
In America you are allowed to practice whatever religion you want. Such as muslim, jewish, and catholic.
How The Government of America Works
All votes in America are counted electronically, every state and district have the same rules. America has one of the worlds most antique, politicized and dysfunctional procedures for elections.
The executive branch is run by a president, the legislature is run by the congress, and the judicial is run by the supreme court. Americans call the system " checks and balances " because of the way it works.
In America a president runs the country. Every four years the country votes to see who will be our next president. They can be elected for two terms, which means they could be president for eight years.
In America they have freedom of speech. That means you are allowed to say what you want and know body can tell you you can't. If you don't think somethings right you can go right out and say it to whoever you want. But you also don't have to say what ever you don't want to and know body can tell you what to do.
In America you have to be 18 or older to be allowed to vote. Also all citizens old enough are allowed to vote and have the rights to be able too. From April 26, 1607 people had the date on there calenders ready to vote for the next president of their country.
Back the America used to have a lot of unfair rules separating the African Americans and the whites. Or only men were allowed to vote. Things like that that just were unfair but now everyone is allowed to vote if your 18 or older, and everyone gets to eat at the same restaurants or play with each other no matter what color you were. Everyone is treated equal.
The press in America has shifted to watching over the government, which has earned the title of " Forth Estate." Nowadays, you can count on the press to know what is happening in the government. The press is so involved in the government to deliver news to people across the country that sometimes the information is incorrect. The press has freedom to say what they want about the government. They sometimes get carried away and say what the people want to hear and not what's true.
Taxes are dues we pay to enjoy the number of benefits and activities that government provides for our society. These include national parks to visit, clean beaches, and more. Most of the time republicans think that taxes are bad so people shouldn't have to pay them and democrats think that they are good for society.
The branches of government in America are the judicial, executive, and legislative. The president is elected by a system called the electoral college. The electoral college is a system where the majority of each state is counted. If the majority of a state is on the republican side, then all of their electoral votes (the number varies) will go to the republican candidate and vice versus. Some states choose to split their electoral votes. These states include Maine and Nebraska. The constitution was enacted in 1776 and signed by the founding fathers. The founding fathers created our democracy and wrote the first set of laws called the articles of confederation. These laws were to protect the people from falling back into the monarchy they started with in England.
America has had one written constitution since independence in 1776. Once they became independent they decided to make one for rules for their country. America has the second oldest constitution in the world!
The judicial branch is run by the supreme court. The executive branch is run by the president. The last branch, the legislative is run by the congress. Americans call it "checks and balances" by the way the system works.
Colombia's Branches of government
Taxes In Colombia
Colombian Political System
Equality In Colombia
Colombia's Election Process
In Colombia the months that they go to school are from January to November. Then there summer is in November, sense it doesn't snow there.
Voting In Colombia
How Colombia's Branches Of Government Are Run
Religion In Colombia
Freedom Of The Press In Colombia
Rights Colombians Have
Responsibilities Of Colombian Citizens
Freedom Of Speech In Colombia
How Colombia's Government Works
Who Runs Colombia's Country
The branches of government in Colombia are the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative. The president is elected by direct popular vote, unlike America. They do not have an electoral college. They vote every four years in April on even numbered years. The congressional vote happens every four years as well. Columbia's constitution was based off of Americas'. The constitution was adapted to meet the needs of social, economic, and political conditions. It is called The Constitution of 1991, replacing The Constitution of 1886. The country has grown in between that time and was in need of a change.
Roles Of Citizens In Colombia
Taxes that you pay go to the government and provide money for the society. Republicans and democrats think differently about taxes. Democrats think that they are good because they are helping give money to people who don't have any money, and republicans think that you shouldn't pay taxes to help people pay for things when they could easily earn money themselves.
In Colombia they were and are all equal. The don't really worry about what color people are or what someone looks like they just care if they are a part of society or not.
In Colombia you are allowed to practice whatever kind of religion you want. Such as catholic.
When Colombia's Constitution Was Written
Every four years on October 30Colombians vote for who is going to be running there country for the next four years. In 2011 voting got violent and they found 41 candidates killed as of October 18, fourteen more than in 2007.
some rights that Colombians have are any citizen has the right to participate in the establishment, exercise in control political power.
Colombia's executive branch is run by the president and a prime minister, the legislature is run by the congress, and the judicial is run by the supreme court.
In Colombia to be allowed to vote you have to be at least 18 or older. Colombia voting can get pretty violent sometimes. Colombians can vote in their hometown even if they move else where. In order to change where they vote they must register their ID to their new area.
Colombians show respect at a ceremony for world press freedom day showing their anger over the May 1st attack against journalist, Ricardo Calderon, from Semana Magazine. It was a hit in Colombia everywhere. Colombians got very angry at Ricardo Calderon because of what he was writing about in the magazines, that they tried to kill him. He escaped the attack unharmed. Their freedom that they celebrate is that they don't have to worry about Ricardo Calderon anymore.
Colombia is a democracy with national elections every four years for both the presidency and for congress ( 161 representatives 102 senators ). The widespread corruption and irregularities affect the political process. There used to be a short period of time where Colombia was a military dictatorship.
In Colombia you can say what you want and the government does not have the right to forbid you from saying anything. You are allowed to form clubs, organizations, and take part in demonstrations and rallies. The one thing that you aren't allowed to say is to not talk bad about the government or else they will not be happy and might put you in jail.
A president and a prime minister run Colombia. The country votes on who they think should be president and prime minister and whoever wins gets to take the last president or prime ministers place.
The Judicial is run by the supreme court. The executive is run by the president and the prime minister. The last branch is legislative which is run by the congress.
Some responsibilities in Colombia are to defend and foster human rights to achieve world peace. Striving towards the achievement and maintenance of peace is another common goal, and to respect and support the democratic authorities in their efforts to keep up with national independence and integrity.
The role of citizens are to respect others and not abuse ones own, to participate in the counties political, civic, and community life, and to cooperate for the sound operation of the administration of justice.
Colombia's Constitution was written in 1991. Its not one of the oldest but its still 11 years older then me, so that means its twenty two years old. There constitution was models after vthe US constitution.
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
Similarities And Differences Between America And
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
Similarities And Differences Between America And
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
Similarities And Differences Between America and Colombia
Similarities and Differences between America And Colombia
In both countries the republicans think differently than the democrats on what taxes should be used for. Also they both have the taxes go to the government which uses them for society money.
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
If you talk bad about the government in Colombia then they will put you in jail, and if you live in America they wouldn't do that they just would not be happy. But in both countries they have freedom of speech.
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
In both countries you have to be 18 or older to vote. In Colombia you are allowed to vote in your hometown and your new living area.
In Colombia they have a set date that they vote and in America they vote the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November. America also has another voting day to vote for the congress.
Similarities differences between America and Colombia
Both of the countries have summers
but America has a longer one. Also America has more days off because of snow days when in Colombia it doesn't snow at all.
Both countries have the freedom of religion, and are allowed to practice whatever you want. Both of the countries government think that its a good idea to let there citizens practice whatever kind of religion they want.
Both of the countries have the same branches of government. The Judicial, Executive, and the Legislative.
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
Similarities And Differences between America And Colombia
In Colombia they have freedom of the press as a ceremony, in America they have guaranteed freedom in the constitution. Both countries have freedom of the press.
Both of there judicial and legislature branch are run by the congress and supreme court. But America's executive is only run by the president and Colombia's is run by the president and the prime minister.
Similarities And Differences Between America And Colombia
In America they used to worry abut what everybody looked like, and made rules around it. But in Colombia They never worried about it they just cared if you were in society or not. Luckily America got over that rule and now are letting everyone be equal.
They both are allowing citizens to have some freedoms in there life but still have some rules. They both have to do with keeping citizens safe.
They both have a president running there country but Colombia also has a prime minister. Also they both vote as a country to see who's going to be taking the last persons spot.
Th both have to deal a lot with respecting their country. America has one that is serving in court and Colombia doesn't have that as one.
Both of the countries are a democracy. America has two political parties forming there political system and Colombia also has two. The democrats and the republicans.
In Colombia's Executive branch is run by the president and the prime minister. Also the Americans call there system checks and balances and Colombia doesn't have something like that.
They both have to do with the citizens following what they need to be and keeping them safe and away from getting in trouble.If you don't follow these then you would probably get in trouble from the government .
Colombia's constitution was made in 1991 and America's was made in 1776. America is the second oldest constitution in the world and Colombia's is only eleven years older then me, so its twenty two years old.