Short Term Trips: The Pharmacist
Medical Missionaries
Medical Missions:
Present and Future
- Telemedicine
- Community Health Involvement
- Residency Training
- Opening of “Closed Countries”
- 10/40 window
- Revelation 5:9
- Development of formulary
- Acquisition of medications
- Organization of medications
- Unused medications
- Donations
Follow Christ’s example
Christ’s call
Christ’s commitment
Being On Mission: What We Are Called To Do
Starts at Home!
Dr. Thad Franz
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Cedarville University School of Pharmacy
October 29th, 2013
My Experience
What is being on Mission?
On Mission
Crystal Beach, Texas
Bihar, India
Roatan, Honduras
What it is not?
- Not necessarily going to another country
- Not only for pastors, church leaders
What it is? Mittere: To send
- To evangelize
- To disciple
“And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,
2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.”
Luke 9:1-2
Medical Missions
Medical Missions:
How can you get involved?
Crystal Beach, Tx
November, 2010
Crystal Beach, Texas
To proclaim the Word…
Crystal Beach, Texas
Bihar, India
August, 2010
To Serve…
To Build Community…
For more information:
Short Term Trips:
The Good
Short Term Trip: Preparation
Short Term Trip: India
- Provides the opportunity for a different perspective
- Short term trips gives more time for the long term missionaries to focus on bigger issues
- God usually calls people to long term missions by taking short term mission trips
- Gives the opportunity to share the gospel
- i.e. Passport, flights, hotels, medications & supplies
- Vision Trips
- Physically
- Vaccinations, bug spray,
- Exercise, diet
- Mentally
- Spiritually
Short Term Trips:
Medical Clinics
Short Term Trips:
The Bad/The Ugly
- More harm than good
- Insufficient resources
- Short term trips are hard work for long term missionaries
- Long term commitment
- Transportation
- Comforts of home
- Cultural challenges
- Operation World
- CU opportunities
- Local church missionaries
Roatan, Honduras
March 2011
Short Term Trips:
Medical Clinics Honduras
Short Term Trips:
Medical Clinic Honduras
Short Term Trips:
Medical Work
Keys to medical clinic success
- Organized flow to seeing patients
- Well trained and committed staff
- Check In/Check Out
- Crowd Control
- Physician or Nurse Practitioner
- Nurse
- Pharmacist
- Other health professionals (i.e. dentist, eye doctor)
- Well trained interpreters
- Set time to start and to finish
Being On Mission:
What We Are Called To Do
Dr. Thad Franz
Cedarville University School of Pharmacy
October 29th, 2013