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Smart alec
A Jerk
Same Grade
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I believe that the theme of this story has to be that no matter how terrible things are you need to stick together, hope, learn from your mistakes and treat others the way you want to be treated.
The only antagonist in the story is: Daren.
This book is realistic fiction
Why? Because Daren harshly bully's everyone that walks by.
This story took place on the vacation, which included the mountain, hotel and the beach.
The Protagonists in the story are: Kyle and BeeBee.
Because Kyle and BeeBee help each other out in any situation even if it is risky and might take both their lives. They also want the best for the other person. Both of them are: brave, loving, giving, responsible and mature.
The main characters of Escaping the Giant Wave are: Daren, Kyle and BeeBee.
Kyle is a normal 13 year old kid that is going into 7th grade. He has had his own personal bully since he was in kindergarten. He is also trying to achieve his summer goals, protect his little sister on their summer vacation and work up the nerve to not be afraid of Daren the bully.
Daren is a whole different story. He laughs at, pokes, punches, kicks and pushes other kids besides just Kyle. Kyle tries to ignore Daren but Daren still manages to make everyone's life miserable.
BeeBee is an 8 year old financial whiz. She likes books about financial reports, mutual funds or quarterly reports from General Electric. When she was young she only wanted a calculator or stocks in a toy company.
Thirteen year-old Kyle Davidson thinks a week or two on the Oregon coast with his family would be a dream come true. Mr. Davidson won salesman of the year so he got to take his family on the winning trip to the Oregon coast. The first night they were there Kyle had to babysit his 8 year -old sister BeeBee while Mr. and Mrs. Davidson attended the Elegant Express. An earthquake roared it's way into the hotel starting a fire! They had to trudge through the strong, deep, black and heavy smoke leaving some of their precious belongings behind to burn up in the flames.
Surprisingly after that, they heard a strange siren that they soon learned was a tsunami warning. Kyle thought that earlier that morning he had seen a sign that said if a tsunami came everyone would need to go inland and uphill as far as they could bear. When the tsunami crashed into the town hotel the people were washed away. Kyle and BeeBee charged up the hill like they had never done before. The perfect vacation had become quite a scary journey.