Viator Poetry
Mitchell Brothers
February 22, 2012
The Viator, also known as Canada's poem has a
very easy template. There is no length
restrictions or rhyming needed however the first line in
the first stanza, becomes the second line in the second stanza.
The number of lines you have in the first stanza sets the
number of stanzas you will have and the format will continue
until the 'x' stanza ends in the 'x' line.
It's care in cooking slow and carefully
that turns a shallot glistening golden brown;
in salted water first you must weigh down
the scalded bulbs to meet this recipe.
Boil vinegar and sugary spices;
it's care in cooking slow and carefully
the syruped shallots, gradually,
then overnight, you'll rest the shallot slices.
Then two days more, you'll slow repeat
your patient simmering, calmly, gently;
it's care in cooking slow and carefully
that yields your shallots clear and sweet.
By fourth day, time to lift them free,
to pack them in that savoury sauce,
preserve that silky, golden gloss;
it's care in cooking slow and carefully.
The Viator was invented by famous Canadian poet Robin Skelton and this format of writing strengthens the author’s tone and meaning of the poem. Throughout this poem the author places emphasis on their opening line which continues throughout the body stanzas and also ends the poem. “It’s care in cooking slowly and carefully,” as a single line may often be overlooked however as it is placed into each stanza the emphasis placed on it allows the reader to think about it over and over again. In this case, the author pushes the message that patience is needed for things to come together correctly and that only in time will his recipe be complete. It is because of this line that allows the reader to see the time that has passed throughout this four day process. This unknown author also uses the short format to only input very important points and uses every word effectively. Looked upon as a short four stanza poem this Viator shows time elapsing slowly because of the focus line.
My Original
Here’s to you, the forgotten.
The ones who are left behind, before the race even starts.
This eternal race will forever be ran by anyone of difference,
Yet it will never be understood that we all are unique,
And this lifetime run will continue to have runners die on it’s track.
For all the boys who fell into the streets,
Here’s to you, the forgotten.
They have flashing lights behind them as they run the race of race,
And yet after all their training still waiting at the finish line is death or prison.
The life path has been chosen, and they’ll never have a chance.
The girls who never had the chance to stop for a break,
Because they were beaten and raped by their father and boyfriend,
Here’s to you, the forgotten.
They have been left alone to finish the race of race.
The officials around them has failed to change this for them.
They are forever lost in this world around them filled with hate,
With all of their opportunities locked from the outside.
By the oppression of a culture to build a better world,
Here’s to you the forgotten.
The system has failed them so the race will continue.
They have been harmed from the hate of a nation.
And we say they will forever be remembered,
Yet they are still and will always be, forever forgotten.
As they continue to run the race of race.
Here’s to you, the forgotten.
Copyright by contributor, Russell Collier