Phylum Cnidarian- Class Anthozoa Anemones!
Digestive,Circulatory System, Respiratory, & Nervous System:
They have an incomplete gut
They do not have a closed or open circulatory system, Their circulatory system does not have any circulatory vessels.
they are no respiratory organs, and both cell layers absorb oxygen from and expelcarbon dioxide into the surrounding water.
they do not have a brian
Their nervous system is a nerve net
Veronica Ramos, 3-14-2014, Ecology of the Monterey Bay
Reproduction System/Methods
- Polyps reproduce asexually.
- They only have the polyp stage in their cycle.
- They lack the free swimming Medusa stage of the life cycle
- Polyps produce sperm and eggs, and the fertilized egg develops into a planula that develops directly into another polyp
- They do not provide parental care
Rocky Intertidal Monterey area species:
- Anthoza means "flower animal."
- Cnidarians get their name from the cnidocytes meaning string cells that are located along their tentacles.
- Cnidarians are soft bodied, carnivorous animals that have stringing tentacles arranged in circles around their mouths.
- They are the simplest animals to have body symmetry and specialized tissues. The apppearance of an entire reef can include varied forms as this image.
Cnidarians include: jelly fish, coral, and hydra
- They feed on fish, mussels, and zoo planktons such as cope pods, other tiny crustaceans, and marine larvae.
- They grasp their food using the tentacles, which contain toxic stingers known as nematocysts.
- They paralize its prey and pull its prey through its mouth into its gastrovascular cavity.
- This green plantlike creature is actually an animal with algae plants living inside of it.
- it is a symbiotic relationship
- the algae gain protection from snails and other grazers and that do not have to compete for living space, while the anemones gain extra nourishment from the algae in their guts.
- this anemone's green color is produced by the animal itself, not the algae that it eats.
Body Plan
- Cnidarians live in aquatic environments and inhabit all depths, from the sandy substrate up to the surface.
- They can be found from the Great Barrier Reef rising off the coast of northeastern Australia to the continental shelves of bone-chilling arctic oceans, and just about every saltwater marine habitat in between.
Adult polyps do not move, they are sessile. Which means they are attached to a surface and do not travel.But when they are young they are a larvae which swims a short distance to find a good environmental surface to which they can attach to.
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Hope you enjoyed this cutie patootie without a backbone :D
- They have special body parts for protection: their tentacles
- Their unique coloration ranges to vibrant and bright colors
- They avoid predidation by the symbiotic relationship clown fish
- They sea anemone provides a home and protection for both the clown fish and the anemone
- Miller, Kenneth and Levine, Joseph.Biology Califorina Edition. Pearson PrenticeHall, 2007.print
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Ikeda ,James.CirculatorySwaggWagons:
- TheGreeenan19.2013.Youtube.
- Cnidarians are radially symmetrical.
- They have a centered mouth that points upward surrounded by numerous tentacles. that extend outward from the body.
- As they grow they secrete an underlying sketch of calcium carbonate or limestone.