Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
P&A ask, "What if the goal of teaching and learning with youth of color was not ultimately to see how closely students could perform White middle-class norms, but rather was to explore, honor, extend, and, at times, problematize their cultural practices and investments?"
Problematize the marginalized? What would that look like?
Sensoy and DiAngelo
San Pedro and Kinloch
How do we bring storywork into the academy? How do we dismantle the master's house from inside it?
Take a piece of paper and privately write down what your identity looks like (race, gender, sexuality, ability, citizenship, socioeconomic class, etc).
Brainstorm with your group what myths or narratives you heard growing up (e.g. MLK and Obama ended racism with their speeches/achievements) or major canon works you read. Considering the identity you crafted before, answer the question "What are the political investments in this myth/piece of literature and who benefits from that knowledge claim?" (S&D)
- Storywork: resisting westernized research methods and ontology in favor of connecting with the subject and forging a relationship
- Projects in humanization: "listening, knowledge co-construction, vulnerability, agency, and multiple perspectives" (374S)
- "the urgency of advocating for humanizing and decolonizing research approaches that do not other and oppress people" (375S)
- Critical theory: how society works
- "Awareness of our theoretical maps can lead to fundamental change in our behavior" (7)
- "Knowledge is dependent upon a complex web of cultural values, beliefs, experiences, and social positions" (8)
- Canonized knowledge and what is left out
- Socialization: "training into the norms of our culture" and "the process of learning the meanings and pratices that enable us to make sense of and behave appropriately in that culture" (15)
- Prejudice: "learned prejudgment" (29)
- Socialization into norms allows us to "rationalize our prejudice" (32)
Paris and Alim
- "The purpose of state-sanctioned schooling has been to forward the largely assimilationist and often violent White imperial project" (1)
- Double consciousness: "looking at one's self through the eyes of others" (2)
- "We must be open to sustaining [racially/ethnically marginalized youths'] in ways that attend to the emerging, intersectional, and dynamic ways in which they are lived and used" (9)
- "We sustain what we love" (12)
- CSP: learning should be additive rather than subtractive," moves away from deficit model, sustains the communities of the students, which in the past have been harmed by educational systems